28. Hold your breath

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  A.N: hi sunshine firstly I love you for getting this far. It means the absolute world to me and I won't prolong how much time you've waited so here the final and sweetest chapter.


"I kind of love you- no no not like that that's a stupid way to say it." I stare at my reflection. "Maybe I should just say it in passing?" I huff. "Like oh yeah I love you. I'm pretty sure I'm over thinking this." I smile at the image of me in a pair of jeans and a t shirt.

"OHHH THE HELL! I THINK NOT." I heard Mackenzie from down the hall.

  "Oh no." My eyes widen in the mirror.

  I shove my phone into my pocket and grab my bag rushing to the door.

  "Mackenzie! Hey babe please calm down and don't yell at him."

  "Wha- you really no way! You already knew he's back and oh my goodness your leaving with him. Are you kidding me right now! Is this why you've been gone so much lately." I could practically see the fume.

  "Just a moment." I faced Harry shutting the door quite literally in his face.

  "Roslyn Harper Whales are you joking? Tell me that guy right there isn't the stupid idiot who had you moping about for like four months. I know you like him but I just don't want you to get hurt like that again." Her face softened despite her scolding.

  "I know I know but he really is sorry and we both messed this all. I'm not ready to be finished here and I might not ever be." I looked to her sincerely, thinking back to the months past.

  "Just be careful." She searched my eyes.

  "I will. I love you." I pulled her into a tight hug.

  "Bye have a good time." She grasped the handle letting me out.

  "Hi." I smiled brightly at him.

"Hi, Care Bear." And everything fell right in to place again. "Hi Mackenzie." He tempted.

  "Watch yourself pretty boy." She pointed a finger at him.

  "Ready to go." I tugged his hand lightly.

  "Yeah." We turned from the door and walked down the side walk.

  Though I looked over to talk to him seeing that he hadn't been next to me and was jogging my way. The look on his face screams I'm terrified. I reached out for his hand. He reluctantly takes a quick look back at her as she burns holes through the back of his head, as he and I walk away.

  "She's quite angry at me." He noted with pursed lips.

  "Yeah." I scoffed with a light laugh. "Yeah, she is. Your gonna have to work harder to win her back then you did for me." I laughed and he did too.

  "Got any tips for me." He tipped his sunglasses down.

  "Mmm I don't know." I steal them from him.

  "Hey!" He jokes.

  I take off around the car, him after me as I giggle. My attempts to get away always useless with his long legs always after me faster than I could ever be.

  "I just wanna borrow them." I grin up at him.

  "Fine but only cause.." he trails off looking over my features as I do him.

  Just as he bends down to kiss me I slide from his arms. Running round the car to get in the other side.

  "Let's get a move on already always messing around styles." I grin widely at him. As he slack jaws narrowing his eyes at me.

Until next time {H.S.}Where stories live. Discover now