ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚

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Your P.O.V

Sangwoo gripped Yoonbum's hair and looked down at him almost with pity in his eyes. They talked while I focused on all options I have considering an escape route.

I could try and break the window to get out, but I doubt I can break the glass just as I am... Or I could run by Sangwoo when I get the chance to, run upstairs and go out the window as if nothing ever happened. Yeah, that's the best option I have so far...
My eyes darted back to the two other men, inspecting them and looking for an open way. There was a small space between Oh and the doorframe. If I could bolt through there without him noticing and catching me then I'm in the clear.

The blonde suddenly lifted the baseball bat into the air, ready to swing it down at Bum - who I have no idea who that is so I couldn't honestly care less - and the latter seemed pretty content with that fact. Well, at least more content than any normal person.
That's my chance.

I gulped, my legs trembling but immediately carrying me towards the open space. I managed to somehow squeeze through the small space pretty swiftly, making Oh widen his eyes and lose his composure for a second.
As I got out of the room, I immediately went up the stairs to go back to the room I came in through.
I'm not fucking dying here. If there is anything certain then that's that I'll outlive this wacky piece of shit Oh Sangwoo and watch him burn in hell.

And where the fuck did my pocket knife go?! When I need it the most it just fucking vanishes. I know I dropped the notebook a while ago, but I'm sure I still had the knife.

Finally, I got to the room and ran over to my only light and hope: the window I remember coming in through and is still unlocked.
My sweaty palms palmed against the window as my fingers tried to open the window back again so I can escape but...
"It's... It's fucking locked..?" My voice came out as a mix of a whisper and a whine. My disbelief and nervousness showed as clear as day. "No, no, no, no, open for fuck's sake!"

I tried to pull it open by force over and over again, even checking if I'm not tripping balls and if this is the wrong window. But, sadly, my perfect way out turned into a disaster...
My body started to shake. I don't want to die yet! Not here and not in the hands of Oh fucking Sangwoo! I tried to think of a different solution or a way out. Maybe if I find a tough and sturdy enough object in this room I can break the window pane. Or I can pick the lock!

I shuffled in my pocket for the hairpin from earlier, cheering in my head like never before as I pulled it out, ready to unlock the simple lock.
Frankly, my heart and movements stopped when I heard heavy steps make their way up the stairs. Sangwoo was taking his time, making sure to threaten me this way to the point I shit bricks from how scared I am. But in not some submissive pup, I'd fucking fight for my life before he could even lay a finger on me.

My hands slightly shook as I raised the hairpin and tried to pick the lock as when I came in, but my awfully nervous hands just wouldn't cooperate and the hairpin wouldn't fit into the lock and just slid off.
After a short while, the footsteps faded. Eerie silence hung in the thick atmosphere. My palms were still sweaty and my mind ran wild with anxiety but my determination showed to be the strongest of all.

Finally, when I fit the hairpin in, trying to pick the lock like I did the first time but for some reason it didn't work. Can my luck get even worse than this?!
Answer is: it fucking can.

Suddenly, my hands were taken into bigger ones, controlling my movements. "You have to do it like this. You don't do it to the right like you do to get in, you have to go the other way." Sangwoo's voice was deep and laced with unnecessary amount of sweetness. His head was right next to my ear and his chin rested on my shoulder while he helped me to pick the lock. I just stood there, letting it happen and frozen in fear.

ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕤~ 【Oh Sangwoo x Male! Reader】Where stories live. Discover now