ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟛

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Second P.O.V

"You're a smart one aren't you, little victim." They hummed, their torso pressing against your back as their right hand tightly grabbed your jaw.

Your breath hitched and your heartbeat as if froze.

"I knew you couldn't stay away from long. You love me too! You need me~" he purred letting out a low hum right next to your ear.
He nuzzled his nose into your cheek, seemingly humming a tune of this one song that he just can't stop fucking listening to.

You let out an irritated sigh, tearing his hands off of you surprisingly and booking it.

His yelling and screaming followed a few seconds of silence and stillness of his body probably from the shock.
He has to decide: lose you, return inside and replace you with that woman he honestly couldn't give two shits about; or chase after you and maybe lose Yoonbum who will tell the girl about the whole situation and he'll get reported...
Or he can just stand in the middle of the road like a fucking idiot and let both of those escapes happen.

While Sangwoo was assessing the situation you ran for your life. You ran behind every building and wall so you'd get out of sight and hopefully make the aggressor lose you. It was successful.

Once your lungs reminded you that they have limits with a painful, stinging sensation, you actually stopped and leaned against a wall to rest your body a bit.
Of course you just stood there for a second, taking a deep breath and then pushing on. This is a situation where your life is on the line, you have to go all out.

At last, you finally made it to a more lively street. There seemed to be no pedestrians but somehow it gave off a better vibe.

Right now you're just hoping that the random lady gave you the right directions to the police station, otherwise... Otherwise nothing. You can always ask some other stranger for directions...

You swallowed your worries and set out on the way. You've never walked around this area of the town, it seems like you're somewhere completely elsewhere.
The houses seem to look at the same and plain and the gardens are small, kinda... Depressing.

You looked around a bit more, noticing a man returning to his house, unlocking the front door and almost entering but you stopped him with a yell.
"Excuse me!" You yelled, running towards him.

He turned around, seemingly nervous once he stopped you running towards him. He fumbled with the keys to find the right one before he noticed how wounded you are. His face them showed concern.

Once you finally made it to his short fence he opened it and quickly ran to your side, his hand gently on your back. "Hey are you okay? What happened to you??"

You put your hand up, showing that you need a second to catch your breath.
The man seems tall, has short brown hair, is quite lean and seems like a golden retriever type of a guy.

You let out a big breath before speaking, "mind if I go inside sir? I don't wanna discuss it out here..."

He looked a little sceptical for a second but then decided to take you in. You don't look like a threat to him. He is bigger than you and could most likely overpower you. Also you'd be disadvantaged because it's his house and he knows the layout.

He took you to the living room and guided you to sit down onto his comfy looking sofa and he went to get the first aid kit.

As you were waiting suddenly a woman appeared as if out of nowhere.
"Honey you're home! How was w-" she spoke until she saw you on the living room sofa. She freaked out a bit before her 'honey' came back with the first aid kit.

"Oh hey sweetie, don't worry, this man just needs some medical attention, no need to be afraid." He reassured her, kneeling down to your sitting form, opening the medical stuff and pulling out a sanitary wipes and a cotton swab with some disinfectant on it.
He wiped the open wounds with the wipes before dabbing the swabs onto them. It stung of course, but you're glad that it's getting taken care of.

The girlfriend just rolled her eyes and left the room, probably just wanting to go on with her day, embarrassed that her extraverted boyfriend brought a random man into their house...

"Sooo, how did this happen?" He inquired while he bandaged your legs.

You let out a deep sigh, "I was crawling through a window.."
You do not plan on telling him to call the police. This is your problem and you plan to solve it in a way that you don't get other people mangled into this mess... Well except for that one lady, she did that to herself.
Also you do not want to tell him to call the police so the plot is more juicy.

He looked up at you puzzled, "wh- why were you crawling through a window?" He was finally done with the patching up and seemed ready to get up and put the stuff back where he got it from, but he wanted to hear you out first.

"It's a long story." You rolled your eyes, "anyway, can I uhm.. stay here for a bit? I don't want to walk around with fresh wounds for a while since my house is far away." You lied a bit. Truth is that Sangwoo is most likely gonna serch left, right, up, down and all around for you.
He's a determined man, clearly afraid of jail. Truth be told you would be afraid of jail too if you murdered at least two people and kidnapped quite a few of them.

"I guess. It's getting pretty late, the sun is almost set so it would be a bad idea to let you out when it's dark outside..." He scratched the back of his neck. "Wait here for a second."
After that the man got up, taking the first aid kit with him and leaving to put it into it's place. After he did so he left to probably consult the stay with his girlfriend.

That waiting left you some space to think.
Tomorrow bright early you could go to the police. Sangwoo might not be awake yet so at like around six in the morning would be good to go.
Oh has to sleep at one point.

Suddenly the man came back, leaning against the backrest of the sofa. You looked back at him and with a warm smile he looked down at you, "that's my girlfriend, don't mind her, she's not as open as I am, she also thinks that I'm rude but eh.. But she allowed you to stay one night if that's alright. If you need more nights to recover I can ask a friend if they can take you in."

You cannot help but to return the smile at his generosity. "One night is perfect, thank you so much." Suddenly you feel like some sort of intruder. Officer Park raised you batter than this!
"Oh right," you stood up, giving him a slight bow while you spoke, "my name is L/n Y/n by the way, thank you for everything."

He looked a bit shocked at that formal display. He signed for you to sit back down, "there is no need to be so formal bro. I'm Yoon Jae, you can call me whatever."

"Nice to meet you Jae. I can give you money as a compensation for my troubles once I get home. Your girlfriend didn't seem at all happy with me here..." you pointed out. She did have a spur expression when she spotted you in their house. You're not surprised, anyone would be disturbed to see a stranger just chilling in their living room.

He brushed you off, "nah you're good, no need to pay. She is never happy with anything so no need to worry about her." He pointed out. He does seem a little rude...
"Hey what would you like to eat, you look really hungry. We can eat and then we can set up the sofa for you since we have no spare bed, sorry. Oh and you can even shower if you'd like."

You thanked him again, your heart warming up immediately when you remembered that there are good people in the world.

ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕤~ 【Oh Sangwoo x Male! Reader】Where stories live. Discover now