Chapter 2

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He sat there on the ground, a huge bullet wound in the side of his chest, bleeding out.


When he woke up he didn't know where he was. It was now dark. He saw a man sitting by the fire, smoking a cigerette, the fire illuminating his face. He was a great bear of a man. He looked to be in his mid 40s, a few gray hairs in his beard.

"Who are you?" asked Jeremy.

"Your best friend kid", his voice was low and gruff.

He notices the evacuation ship a few hundred meters behind the man and the bodies all around. He was in the forest behind the ship.

"What happened?"

"Well I'm just standing around doing nothing as usual, guarding the ships, whem I see a skinny little boy running in the distance. I'm guessing that you were going to drop down on your knees and beg me to let you on huh?"

Jeremy's cheeks flushed, that was exactly what he had planned to do. But he said defencively,"No!"

"Whatever kid, anyway, I see this skinny little kid running toward the ship and then suddenly he drops to the ground. I'm thinking that he must have just dropped from exhaustion but then I see the red all around him and I know immediatly that A: the boy has been shot and that B: the russian are trying to take out the ship. So I do what any one in a fire fight would do, I run for cover. I then grab my gun and just spray bullets. My man beside me goes down and thats when I see the sniper in the trees. So I fire a few shots at him and he falls out of the tree. It was kind of funny actually." The soldier chuckles,"So then there is only one guy left but he gets away. No biggie. Thats when I go out to the skinny kid, you, and see that your alive. I patched you up and laid you down. You had lost a lot of blood so I was kind of worried that I you might die, but hey look your still alive! By the way kid, what's your name?"

"Jeremy, what's yours?"


Heathe tosses Jeremy a gun.

"Why would I need this?"

"To kill russians of course."

"Hate to break it to ya, but I'm still recovering from a bullet wound." Gasped Jeremy.

"Hate to break it to ya", mocked Heathe, " but the russians are comine back!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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