You were like a light I didn't know that I needed

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I got home and I waited some minutes to call Sergio. I called him and we talked for hours on the phone. It was 1am in the morning and it felt like we had known each other for years, I felt so comfortable talking to him. We decided to meet at a Café and have lunch at 2pm. We said goodbye on the phone and I went to sleep excited for our lunch date. It was a sunny Tuesday, it was spring, the flowers were in full bloom and it was a perfect day. I got to the Café 5 minutes early but he was there already. I entered the Café and he looked up and saw me and he looked at me with the brightest smile I have ever seen and that made my heart want to jump out of my chest with happiness. We ordered our drinks and food and we talked for hours, laughing, and being happy with no care for the outside world. And we decided when our next date would be.


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