It wasn't long till we both caught feelings

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Since that day we kept going on dates and on our fourth date he asked me If I wanted to be his boyfriend and I said yes. He had bright orange tulips with him when he asked me. And every time we met he would have the brightest orange tulips with him. That made me fall even more in love with him. He was my prince charming. We decided to wait for a few more months until we met each other's parents and tell them that we are official. The day came and I was so nervous he first met my mom and my sister. I remember that my sister said that I found my prince charming. I thought that too. He was a gentleman and a family man, so kind, nice and lovely. Mom said that she would love him as a son in law. I was so happy that my mom and sister loved him. Now it was time for my dad to meet him. I was scared for Checo to meet him but it went well I think. He likes him as far as I can see. I was so happy that my family approved of him. Now it was my turn to meet his family. His family was so nice and welcoming, he said that they loved me. His dad was a hugger, he made me feel like I was part of the family. 


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