B2: Ch. 3

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Letty POV
Oh my goodness, after the whole story, Taylor cried in my shoulder for awhile. Then I asked them if they wanted to come in I called Dom here and called Brian and Mia

Me:*on the phone*oh hi Mia is Brian there

Mia:Yea why

Me:The Torettos house burned down they came here and Layla is unconscious

Mia:Oh my god I'll be right there

Me:Thank you. *off the phone*

I hope there going to be ok. First, Jun passed away, now this

Layla POV
I guess we were somewhere else because I wasn't home I was in the woods. I'm guess Letty and Dom's. I was so sad the last thing I saw was my house on fire and Cleve with Moray....

Tony:Layla, your awake!
Me:Yes I am

He hugged me and I hugged back then I remembered!

Me:Wait where are the kids
Tony:There in the living room come on

We went to the living room and saw that my kids were safe, and that Tony was safe

Taylor POV
I saw my mom and ran to her and gave her a huge hug

Mom:Ok, so only you missed me

After that all of my sisters and brothers started running to her pretty sure to knock her down

Mom:Ok, I'm starting to feel dizzy
All:Oh sorry mom
Mom:It's okay kids at least your ok

Me:*laughs a little*We love you mom
Mom:Me too
Dad:That's a family

*5 hours later(Sponge Bob Voice)*

Taylor POV
I heard something coming from Paul's side of the room but I brushed it off, a few minutes later I heard it and it wasn't good at all! So I got up, terrified, and went to wake up Paul and all he did and said was..

Me:Wake up Paul I here something
Paul:What in the matrix hell, Taylor

He started to stare inside my eyes which kind of terrified me

Paul:You woke up me up saying you here something also, IT'S THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!!! Well it's almost six or seven but I mean still, come on.

Me:Well the thing might be a snake but if you want to go back to sleep then it's fine

Paul:I'm up, I'm up chill but what is this "snake"

Me.Shut up grab your phone we're going back to the house and going to find out who did this got it

Paul:Are we going to kill them or
Me:We are
Paul:Bring Dawn she'll kill us, mostly because of her anger issues and that she pretty much hates that person for ruining her makeup or whatever
Me:Good point
T&P:Let's get em
Paul: and quick or we're toast

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