B2: Ch. 15

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Taylor POV
It's been weeks since we 'disappeared from the universe' we visited my parents room, my mom was pretty ruffed up so we came up to her but dad had tears down his cheeks which meant something is wrong "Daddy" Asher called out (sorry changed how I write) "Dad?" Alexis says worried that something bad happened to our mom "Yea?" My dad calls out slightly sad "What's wrong?" Dawn says "Nothing just your mom needs breath control. The fire hit badly" my dad replied, but I knew better and I had a question that I knew I couldn't ask "Dad, I know your lying, what happened?" I said and that moment I knew he was going to back to the floor and tell the whole story about  one hour "Your mom...she can't breath so she needs a breath controller (idk) but it cost the whole bill...we'll need to give up everything, our cars, our house, and...." He just trailed off but he continued shortly after "health insurance and our spy gear, after that our bill, it cost 91,234,567 dollars" we stood there shocked "We have to give up everything we have even school!" I told him "I know but the fire and your mom when she was younger after I met her, she was caught in a fire because of Shasi and didn't come back without scars and bruises then she fell into a rock and got a concussion...." A few days later we had to move to Letty and Dom's and my mom was moved into a hospital and the money went into the bill and we became home schooled my dad got a regular job we got back on our feet and Ms.Nowhere got us back into the spy stuff, but one thing remained the same, my mom's breathing problem, we prayed and prayed to heal her it didn't work Lily says that happened to her mom but she's fine, but when she left she got onto her phone and I went to investigate "Uncle Cleve you set the trigger there all washed up and and sad" "Great job Lily there to stupid to notice you working with me" "Good uncle Cleve" "Good and you better keep it like that" "Yes, sir" I couldn't believe my own friend would betray me I had to tell someone...not my dad, not my siblings, maybe Dawn she knows how to beat a bitch, let's hope my mom stays ok, please mom don't leave me, no not yet.......

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