Coup d'État

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Father was in more trouble than anyone ever could be. If I had Grandfather searching for me and vowing consequences, I'd flee. Or die, or bury myself in sand till it all disappeared. Father seemed to be oblivious to the dire threat that hung over his head. He was happy and smiling as if the world had suddenly rid itself of all problems. 

"Vater," I tried. "please listen to me. I'm more than serious - Grandfather will have your skin if you don't make up an excuse right now."

He brushed me off. "Hah. As if he knows where I am."

I started to rewind why I was here and what we were talking about. 

I began late last night when things started to fall apart. Drittes was in a bad mood (the usual) and Germany kept sneaking glances out the window mournfully. 

"If you keep doing that to your head like that you'll get whiplash," Drittes snapped at his son. "close the stupid curtain."

"Sorry," Germany murmured apologetically. 

"Don't grind on the boy," I cut in. "it isn't his fault our family is so dysfunctional."

Drittes let his soup spoon fall into his bowl with a splash. "Dysfunctional? Take that sentence and shove it back from the deepest, darkest corner you unearthed it from. I don't want to hear any more about how collectively horrible we are. Just because you're suffering from perpetual anxiety, doesn't mean it translates as a family trait."

Germany bit his lip and looked at both of us. "I'll clear the dishes," he said loudly and then went to wash them by the sink. I continued to stare at my brother in unregistered shock. Germany hastily made it out of the room just in time before my timer set off. 

"Listen here," I growled. "stop antagonizing our situation."

"I'm antagonizing?" he said in mock surprise. "and who are you, not-a -truckload -of -self -pity?"

"Will you just shut up about my issues?" I snapped back. "you can't even spend a dinner without nibbling on my nerves."

"Sorry your nerves don't have a casing," my brother said blithely. "you should invest in one."

I wanted to wring his neck. "Will you stop your drama and finally descend from whatever planet you're on this instant? I am sick and tired of your attitude and sulkiness. Can't you be normal for once?" I must have repeated these questions a thousand times, but never dared to say them aloud, because I knew how my brother would react. 

Almost instantly he ricocheted off the chair and onto me. I only barely had time to shield my face from his fury. 

"Normal?" he screeched loud in my ear. "Oh I see, you want me to be a passive obedient snail who smiles in your face and greets you at the door? Well, I'm not! If I'm such a burden on your back, I'll leave, okay! I'll leave!" His nails clawed the back of my hands painfully and then abated. In the time it took me to orient myself, he was already dressed in a coat and boots at the door. 

"No, Drittes," I called hoarsely. "You'll get killed."

"No I won't," he snorted. "I'm not stupid like you." He slammed the door and fled. I could hear the pitter-patter of his feet on the stairs. In the stunned silence, Germany came over soon after. 

"Did he just...leave?" he asked, his voice hitching slightly. 

I sighed heavily. "Yes, he did."

"He'll come back, right?" Germany kept on as if to himself. "surely there's no place for him to go."

"I sincerely hope this is temporary," I turned back to the kitchen and cleared up till around eight in the evening or so. I felt very empty all of a sudden, and when Germany was finally asleep, I crept down the hall to my brother's room and curled up in his cold bed. The sheets still retained his scent, and I realised that I felt very guilty about what I had said. The whole night I spent thinking if my brother found shelter. He didn't come back once during the night. 

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