Koreys backstory

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The next morning Korey woke up by a faint tap on the shoulder by Andre. "Hey.. I'm sorry about asking if you were alright yesterday, I know it wasn't any of my business. All I want to make sure you stay safe and happy." To Andre, it seemed like it was his duty to protect Korey, but to Korey, she needed to protect him more than ever. Is life was in danger due to her reckless actions. "It's ok. It was honestly nothing."

Ever since Korey was a small child things were tough. A careless mother, a drunk father. Home life was never easy. Her mother never let her have nice things. She was always troubled with endless chores and was deprived of any love. Their love went to Neela, Koreys younger sister. Neela always stood out to parents. Her straight jet black hair, paired with her tall, slim figure. She was a true figure of beauty. Though Korey was beautiful, she was never able to show it due to her lack of femininity.

They grew up in a community of small, run down houses that never seemed to have green grass. The sidewalks cracked and uneven. Yeah, the outside looked bad but the inside was even worse. A depressing brown wallpaper coated the walls and dusty, antique dolls sat on a dusty brown shelf.

*13 years earlier*
"KOREY!" Said her dad with a half drank bottle of beer in his hand. "Yes dad?" "Your mother wants to talk to you in the front hall." He said, slurring his words. "Uh.. ok" she said, slightly confused. She knew at that moment it was something serious. "Mom?" She asked. "If you don't clean up this mess you need to get out of this house!" She said as she pointed to a big, messy pile of muddy footprints on the floor that were leading from the front door. "Mom.. I haven't gone outside in 3 days, you grounded me for the last mess I didn't make, remember?" "NOW DON'T YOU SAS ME!" She said in a threatening tone. "I swear mom it wasn't me! It was Neela! She was over with her friends and they were walking around with their shoes on! I-" but before she was finished she got slapped across the face with a damp rag. "NOW CLEAN, YOU FILTHY ANIMAL!" Tears streamed down her face as she kneeled on the floor, scrubbing every last bit of dirt off the ground. "Loser!" Laughed Neela from behind her. "Any other trouble young lady... you are OUT of my house!" Her dad yelled from the living room.

And just like he said, she was. Only 2 weeks later a necklace was stolen from korey's mother's jewelry box. "I KNOW it was you!" "I di-" but before she could finish her sentence she was pushed out of the front door. The door slammed shut and a yelp escaped from Korey's mouth. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" She screamed through the door "IM ONLY 13!" "WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!?!?!" Eventually she figured out how to survive alone though it did take some time.

Her childhood was just a trial run, a chance to grow some thick skin because her adult life would be a lot more confusing.

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