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A week later, I stood alone on the train platform as the summer breeze whipped through my hair. The intensity of dozens of pairs of eyes on me was overwhelming, but I bit my cheek and pressed onwards.

As things often did in the community of magical socialites, word of the engagement had spread quickly. My oldest friend Raymond Prewett had already written to me, asking if the rumors were true and grimly suggesting that we have a double-wedding. To my great surprise, Riddle's acolyte Alcott Lestrange had also sent me a letter, but I had not bothered to open it.

Sage and Aspen were always sad to see me leave, but I comforted them with the assurance of lots of letters and Honeydukes treats. Sage had pressed me on the topic of the dinner party, but I told her she needn't worry. I hated withholding everything from her, but I did not wish to burden her. Baby blue eyes looked up at me with empathy every time I changed the subject to something more lighthearted.

Still unable to Apparate by myself, I chose walking into the Muggle town and hailing a cab over traveling with one of my parents. The ride to King's Cross Station had been a long one, although I had successfully slept through most of it. Now on Platform 9 ¾, I scanned the crowd of restless students and anxious parents for a familiar and friendly face.

Apple and cinnamon perfume suddenly invaded my air as a firm hand tapped my shoulder. I spun around to face honey-haired Adelaide Hanson, smiling like a child on Christmas morning.

"Hey, you! Why is it that you're standing all alone?" She spoke with a slight Yorkshire accent to her words, although her voice was lighthearted and smooth. I threw my arms around her for a much-needed embrace. "I've missed you so much, Ophelia!"

When we separated, I realized she was already in her school robes. I had chosen to wear a summer dress, although my cold arms were not too happy with my decision.

"You have to speak with my parents for at least a moment. We both know how fond of you my mother is." Adelaide took my hand and led me through the crowd to where Mr. and Mrs. Hanson stood, along with both of her trunks.

"Ophelia! Why, I haven't seen you in nearly a year! How have you been, my love," Mrs. Hanson gushed as she pulled me in for a suffocating hug.

"Splendid, and you?" The woman began to gush about the new Muggle magazines she had discovered of the summer, her trip to a petting zoo, and some American actor she met in London. Mrs. Hanson came from a pure-blood family, although they had ceased communication after she took a Muggle as her husband. Raymond had surely told Adelaide about my predicament, but I doubted her mother would know.

"Oh, my! Less than five minutes until the train leaves! The two of you better get going," Mr. Hanson chimed in. Final goodbyes were made as Adelaide and I hauled our trunks up the platform and onto the train. Most students had already settled into a compartment by now, which left us to find one near the back.

As soon as our things were stored and we were seated, Adelaide looked at me with wide eyes.

"So, has Raymond been lying to me or are you really to marry Riddle next summer?" I let out a long sigh, slumped back into the scratchy seat, and spoke rapidly. People would demand this story from me dozens of times in the coming days, so I figured I ought to become comfortable with telling it.

"Well, that is an absolute nightmare. I'm so sorry, Ophelia," she comforted me with an outstretched hand that I took eagerly. Her sympathy was appreciated, although it did little to make my situation improve. "At least Riddle is handsome; your father could have chosen some troll-like boy."

"I would prefer a troll over Riddle. Much easier to understand what's going on in their heads," I decided. "Of course, I do not know him well, but I know that I want to avoid him. Nearly everyone in the school is either infatuated with him or afraid of him. That is the last kind of man I wish to be involved with."

my riddle to solve (re-written version)Where stories live. Discover now