Remembrance Day

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Summer hated today

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Summer hated today. Usually she woke everyday with high hopes and a good attitude but not today. Today was her parents death anniversary. It was now three years since their death and Summer weirdly hadn't felt any emotion yet. She thought she would cry but she didn't. She just felt numb. Wyatt knew it wouldn't be easy and over the years came up with a game plan on how to help.

Wyatt opened her door to find her reading. She was reading Emma and Wyatt just closed the door letting her have her space. He then went to Ej's room and saw he was up and had papers everywhere.

"What's all this for?" Wyatt asked picking one up and seeing it was about college.

"College choices"

"Why are you doing this now?"

"Cause I'm a Junior I have to have a plan"


"Yes, Today. It's just like every other day" Ej said not wanting to touch the subject. Every year he ignores it and occupies himself with different things. This year it was College.

"I was thinking we could just hang out today. you know, maybe shoot some hoops or something?"

"I don't know I'm kinda busy plus I got school"


"I can't I have a test"

"So take it tomorrow"

"I'm not gonna blow off a test"

"You don't seem like you're in the right headspace to take it" Wyatt said. He felt like he was talking to a wall.

"I'm fine"

"Oh, so you do this everyday do you?" Wyatt quipped

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