The Old Tradition

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(in this this Fred and George can telepathically communicate, idk know how/why yet. So maybe thought who read this fic can comment theories that would let that it happen.)


"Oh, Harri!" Hermione exclaimed as she sat down on her bed.

Harri looked up from her copy of 'quidditch through the ages'. "What's wrong?"

Hermione flopped backwards, "I found a book on a history of the Tri wizard tournament. And it said that a yule ball is a tradition! A BALL harri!"

Harri grew concerned. "Do you know if we're having it this year too?" She had never learned how to dance! And worse! What if her crushes danced with other girls (in a non friend zone way) It would kill her!

Hermione nodded. "Yes, we are. I asked professor McGonagall. She told told me we were." She rolled over to look harri in the eye. "What if no one asked me? No one likes me enough that would ask."

Harri huffed. "Who said WE can't ask?"

"Fred, George, I need to talk to you two about something." Harri told the two. Hooked one arm around each's arms and dragged them out to the hall.

"What's up harri-kins?" Fred asked.

"Do you need some help? Did someone pick one you?" George asked. Flinging an arm around her.

Harri brushed at the contact. Usually such a thing would've bothered her. But with what she wanted to ask them in mind, it was hard not to blush.

"Ah, forge your making ikkle-Harri blush!". Fred teased both his twin and Harri.

"I wanted to ask you two something." Harri asked as calmly as she could."

George smiled. "No, I'm afraid we can not do autographs right now. Although I wouldn't mind yours." He winked. Harri inwardly cried out in frustration, why did George and Fred's teasing always come in the way as flirting, it made to hard to think.

"Maybe an Autograph later." She winked back. This had become routine sense her first year. When they had helped her get her stuff on to the train.

(Flash back no jutsu!)

The one of twins grinned at her. Harri noticed the slight less amount of freckles on his face. "What can we do for you, m'lady?"

The other nodded, fallowing his twins lead. Bowing from the waist in and over exaggerated manner. "Ah yes what can sir Gred, and sir Forge do for you our fair lady?"

Harri was able to keep the blush that threatened to color her cheeks. No one had ever referred to her as their lady, or just a was nice. She decided to roll with it, why not?

"Sir knights!" She pressed the back of her hand to her forehead, and made a 'damsel in distress' look. "My luggage! I simply am unable to load it upon the train! At this rate I will miss it, shall you dashing knights help this fare maiden?"

The two stared at her for so long, that she was scared she had over done it. But then they both broke out into matching grins.

The twins jumped into action. The hefted the trunk onto the train. While second one turned to her and picked up her owl. "I'm George, and that Fred. That was amazingly hilarious, no one ever just goes along when we start play acting the first time they see it!"

Harri smiled. "Im Harri. I hope to play act with you guys some more."

Fred nodded from where her was in front of them. "As are we, lady Harri!" And gave her the first wink of many.

(Present no jutsu!)

"But what I want to ask you boys is something different."

Both nodded genially. Although their thoughts went a mile a second.

"Do you think she's going ask what we think?"

"No way! We wanted to ask her?"

"Should we interrupt her and ask instead?"

"When ikkle-Harri has already started? No way."

"It's a traditional for a Yule ball when there's a Tri wizard tournament, so I was hoping to ask the two most handsome Wesley's to the ball." She smiled, and on the spur of the moment decide to mess with them a little. "But Bill and Charlie are not going to Hogwarts anymore so, it was a no go. So I went to you guys." She winked, to hopefully show she was joking.

George snorted, Fred scratched the back of his head. It was Fred who answered for them. "Sure we would love too."

Harri nodded, then smirked. "But I also want to take this chance to say that: I like you. Both of you, a lot. And I'm taking this chance to not only confess! But I'm also going to woo you!" Before the twins say anything else, she walks off. Already starting to make plans.

"Should we tell her she doesn't have to 'woo' us?"

"Na, Fred. It will be fun to see what she'll do."

"You think it's going to be like gifts and dates kind of wooing?"

George shock his head, "nope, something tells me harri will finally show us some of her pranking skills."

Fred grinned. "I love that girl"

"Me too Freddie, me too.


A fun little fic. No idea if people will like it. So please comment if you do, it kinda helps motivate me.

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