Chapter 21:Surprise

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Hey guys, sorry I've been MIA on all my books.  I'm not gonna try to make up some lame excuse.  I just needed to map out my plots a little more.  My newer stories' plots have been taking up so much time but now I'm back.  I'm have to admit, I really hate the quality of this book but I hate it even more when writers take down their stories just to edit them.  I won't do that to you guys.  So if you'll bare with me, my story's gonna stay horrible until I finish it.


Terry's POV

Today's our one month anniversary.  Exactly one month since we mated.  I'm not sure if Xavier remembers though.  He's not the best with dates.  He only just started to memorize holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I don't mind though.  It's okay though.  I was never one of those girls who had to have weekly or monthly anniversaries or anniversaries for first kiss, first dance, first date, things like that.

"Morning gorgeous," Xavier says in his husky morning voice, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Morning handsome," I say in my raspy morning voice.

"So what do you want to do today?" He asks.  He didn't remember.

"I don't really care, whatever you want.  Aren't the boys having guys' night?  You should go." I lied.  I couldn't act like a clingy girlfriend that needed his attention 24/7.  That's just tacky.  Besides, maybe he'll remember our one year anniversary.

"Are you sure you won't mind?" He asks.  "I can stay home if you want."

"I'm sure.  Go out, have fun, drink beer, watch football." I said in a more manly voice.  He laughed.

"Alright then.  I'll go get ready.  You can go shopping with the girls or something." Xavier suggested.

"Yeah, I have been kind of neglecting them this past month." I hinted, silently cursing myself.  I don't care...who am I kidding, of course I do.

He pecks me on the lips before disappearing into the bathroom.  I sighed and fell back onto the bed.  I picked up my phone and IM'd the girls.

spicy_hot_chocolate_123194:Hey, you guys wanna go to the mall??

food_court_lover_71594:Yeah, Cortez is doing boring Beta things until guys' night. *rolls eyes*

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