Chapter 1:Running Away *EDITED*

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Yeah, so, this is your classic rejection story.  I just love them so I'm gonna try to write one.  Please read this even though it is cliche!  Picture of Terry on the side


Terry's POV

Another day in Hell.  Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there.  My name is Teresa Garcia, Terry for short.  Before I start telling you about my life and all my problems like they do in the movies, I need to explain a couple things.  I'm a werewolf.  Yes, all mythical beings exist, just not the way humans think.  We're scattered all around the world into packs.  There's the leader of the pac;, the Alpha, the Alpha's second in command; the Beta, the Alpha's third in command; the Gamma, and the finally his fourth in command; the Delta.  There's also the Omega, basically the maid or runt of the pack, which I am, and the Luna; the Alpha's mate.  

Mate is short for soul mate.  Werewolves all have a mate out there somewhere.  Fate always makes sure they cross paths at one point in their lives.  You know when you find your mate because it's a process.  First, you'll smell an amazing, addicting scent.  Then, you'll look for it and find out it belongs to your mate.  Finally, you'll look into the eyes of your mate and instantly fall in love then live happily ever after.  Your mate gives you tingles, sparks, fireworks, and everything else from the fairy-tales.  I hope I find my mate soon; he'll be my ticket out of here, my knight in shining armour.  The pack says he'll reject me but I doubt it since it's highly frowned upon.  You can reject your mate by saying, "I, their name, reject you, their mate's name."  It only works if their mate accepts the rejection though.  Even if it works, the mate bond is still there, just weakened.

Okay, now back to my story.  My sister, Maya, and brother, Julio, bully me along with the rest of the teenagers in the pack.  It's really atrocious of them to do that to their own sister.   I am from the Red Woods Pack.  The only reason I haven't run away is because I need to take care of my little Emilia.  She's only six years old and I'm the only mother figure she has in her life.  After our dad died, our mom died soon after.  She was very sick without her mate and I promised her that I would take care of Emilia.  Maya immediately put up her defenses when they died and Julio was busy being the new Beta.  They died when I was eleven, that was a bad year for me.  That's when everyone turned on me.  Today is my 16th birthday, the day I might meet my mate.  Hopefully my mate can save me from this Hell.

"Terry!  We're starving down here!  Come and make breakfast." Maya yells.

"Coming!" I yell back.  I run downstairs and make breakfast then grab a muffin for me and Emilia and run out the door before Julio or Maya can get to us.  Emilia comes running after me and sits in the front on the booster seat I got her.  I hand her a muffin and she smiles at me.  We aren't allowed to eat much so a whole muffin is like a buffet for us.  Well, I usually give Emilia half of my food.  You can practically see my bones but I don't care.  I just need to graduate before I can get a decent apartment for me and Emilia and then we're out of here.  Sure we'll become rogues but we'll be better off by ourselves.

Rogues are werewolves without a pack.  You can become a rouge three ways.  One, you're a rogue because your parents were rogues.  Two, you were kicked out of your old pack because you did something really bad or upset the Alpha or Luna.  Or three, you ran away for some reason.

"Terry, what if the mean kids start teasing me again?" Emilia asks.  A lot of the boys tease her but I suspect that they just like her and don't know how to express it.

"Don't worry about them sweetheart, just be a good girl." I told her softly.  She nods as she runs into her elementary school for first grade.  I smile and drive off to my high school.  When I get there, I head to my locker and accidently bump into someone.  When I bump into them I feel tingles and immideate ecstasy.

'Mate!' Nia, my wolf, exclaims.

I look up and see Xavier, the Alpha's son.  Xavier is Julio's best friend and one of my biggest tormentors.  He looks at me lovingly and I smile but the love in his eyes quickly turn to disgust.  I start feeling agony and despair.  I know what comes next and it is absolutely horrifying.

"I, Xavier Charles Henderson, reject you, Teresa Rosalina Garcia.  You are nothing to me and you never will be.  You're just a weak little girl and you will always will be," he says with a smirk.

"Please, just give me a chance." I beg and he looks at me with anger.

"Just accept the rejection Omega!" His voice booms and my heart shatters.

"I-I, T-Teresa Rosalina G-Garcia, a-accept your r-rejection.  I hope you rot in Hell."  I stutter and my voice cracks in the end.  I look back at him one more time and his eyes soften.  He looks like he's about to say something but I run out of the school as fast as I can before he can say anything.  I hop in my car and drive to the elementary school to pick up Emilia.

"Who are you?" The desk lady asks.

"I am here to pick up Emilia Garcia.  I am her big sister and legal guardian, Teresa Garcia." I say.  No one else wanted to be her guardian so I gladly took the position.  I had to beg for it though since I was only eleven at the time.  I'm surprised they let an eleven year old girl be a legal guardian for a one year old.

"Okay, may I ask why?" She asks.

"It's an emergency at home that I would not like to discuss here." I say with my voice cracking and tears running down my face.

"I completely understand," she says then presses a button and announces for Emilia to come here.  Emilia comes up and we get in my car.

"Where are we going?" Emilia asks.

"Home, then running away." I say.

"You're leaving me?" She asks with tears in her eyes.

"No honey, we're leaving together." I say and her face lights up.  We get inside the house and she goes to pack.I pack and then starts to write a note.

Dear Whoever Is Reading This,

I am happy to inform you that I am running away. I stuck with you guys through all this, actually thinking you guys might change; I was so wrong.  I'm sorry for whatever I did to upset you guys so much.  You guys must be ecstatic now that you don't have to deal with my extra weight.  Goodbye forever.

-Teresa Rosalina Garcia

Emilia comes in my room and we go outside.  I shift into my pure white wolf form and grab our bags with my teeth.  Emilia as an extremely early shiftre so she shifts too.  We are both pure white wolves.  We look at each other and nod.  Then we start to run.

Julio's POV

When I get home with Xavier and friends, I notice it's a little quite.  Usually Emilia is playing too loudly or Terry is listening to blasting music.  The guys are over a lot so they notice this too.

"Terry!  Get down here right now!" I shout.  We wait for an answer.  Nothing.  Weird, even if she was sleeping, she's a light sleeper.  Terry has no social life so she wouldn't be out.  I look at the guys and they look back at me with the same confused faces.  I go upstairs with Xavier while the guys stay downstairs.  I see a piece of paper on her desk so I pick it up.  When I'm done reading it I'm fuming.  I hand Xavier the note and he reads it.  When he's done he looks guilty, sad, and angry.

"Why would she run away?" I think out loud.

"Well, I might've, kind of have, rejected her." Xavier say.

"You did what?" I yell.

"I didn't know she would do this and I regreted rejecting her right after I did it." Xavier says.

"Well now she's gone!" I exclaim.  I sigh and put my head in my hands.  "I'm a terrible brother."

"But it seems as though she hates you least besides my parents and Emilia." Xavier says.

"Still...I should've done something." I say, exasperated.

"We'll send out a search party.  They couldn't have gotten far." Xavier tells me as he heads downstairs to tell the guys what happened.

I just hope we're not too late.

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