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TW: mentions of SA. Smut.

the truth is hard to digest

Topper brought up drinks and some snacks and set them between us on the bed. I watched the muscles in his arms flex and relax as he opened a bag of chips and a couple boxes of candy. I cracked open a Diet Coke and took a sip as my eyes traveled from his face to his arms and back again.

Topper handed me a piece of licorice, "Do you wanna go with me to brunch or should I find someone else?"

I took a bite of licorice and pointed the rest at Topper, "Do you think we'll be ready by then?"

Topper popped a chip into his mouth, "We'll have to pull an all-nighter but I think we can pull it off."

I took another bite of licorice, "Where do we start?"

Topper took a sip of water, "Rules?"

I gave him a small nod, "That makes sense."

Topper grabbed a notebook and pen from his bedside table and turned to a blank sheet of paper. We went back and forth for hours, arguing over our goal and how best to get there. We finally ended up with seven rules.

1: Don't catch feelings
2: Only 'dating' each other
3: Act together in public
4: Help each other
5: Be open and honest
6: Play nice
7: Be there for each other

I laid back against the pillows, "What's our story?"

Topper laid back next to me, "I haven't really given it much thought."

I turned my head to look at him, "This is your idea and you never thought about what our cover would be?"

Topper shook his head, "I never actually thought you'd take me up on it."

I nodded, "Fair. What if we kept it close to the truth so it's easy to remember."

Topper shrugged, "Sure. We started getting close at school. We talked the night of the party and decided to finally give it a try."

I smiled at him, "Simple, easy, shows why we might be awkward and still learning about each other."

Topper rolled over onto his side, "So stories down. What next?"

I rolled onto my side too so that we were face to face, "We need to get comfortable... touching... each other."

Topper moved a little closer, "They'll probably expect that, huh."

I moved a little closer to him, "Mhm."

Topper leaned his head closer to mine, "We have to be nice to each other starting now."

I brought my head closer until ours noses brushed together, "Yes we do."

Topper rested his forehead against mine, "I've always kinda thought you were beautiful."

I moved in until our lips just barely touched, "I never noticed that you were kinda hot until tonight."

Topper closed the small gap and connected our lips. I held my hands an inch away from his body, unsure of what to do. I've never thought about Topper like this before, those naturals instincts weren't taking over.

throwing rocks at your window // Topper ThorntonWhere stories live. Discover now