
803 20 10

TW: Heavy smut

best of both worlds

I was nestled in the pillows on Topper's bed with a book in one hand and the other massaging my scalp. I was trying to enjoy my last couple days before classes started but I just didn't feel like myself. I could barely drag myself out of bed and I couldn't tell if it was because I was physically or mentally drained.

I tried to focus on the words in front of me but they all blurred together as my head throbbed and my eyes burned so badly that tears began to form in them. I tossed the book onto the floor and let out a groan as I threw my arm over my eyes.

I heard the door swing open and then latch closed, "What, you don't like your book?"

"Not particularly."

I felt Topper's weight on the bed as he stretched out next to me. He placed a kiss on my neck and dragged his fingertips across my stomach, "Well, I can think of something a little more fun to get your mind off of it."

I pulled my arm from my face and sunk my hand into his hair. I couldn't help but smile as he climbed on top of me and peppered my face and neck with kisses. I snaked my arms around his neck and pulled his face to mine until our lips met.

He kissed me passionately and deeply while he played with the hem of my oversized tshirt that fell to my thighs. I kissed him back eagerly, pulling him as closely to me as possible as he rolled his hips against mine. The friction of his jeans against my bare heat earned a moan from me and as soon as my lips parted he caught my bottom lip between his teeth. I dug my fingertips into his biceps and smiled against his lips.

I liked this side of him. The darker, sexier side.

Topper pulled away until our lips barely touched and he stared down at me through hooded eyes. He brought his hand up to my face and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before tracing a path across my jaw to my chin. He used his thumb to trace over my lower lip, lightly pulling it as he moved down to firmly palm my throat.

My heart fluttered and my breath caught as he tightened his grip on my throat. I felt myself grow wetter as his eyes locked with mine and he watched me react to his touch.

Topper pushed my shirt up, exposing my body fully to him. He stared down at me with dark, lustful eyes as he took in body. He traced circles across my chest, making his way down to my thighs as he bit his lip.

I hooked a finger in the waistband of his jeans and pulled him back against me. My body was on fire and aching for him. I needed to feel his bare skin on mine and for him to make me forget everything.

Topper planted kisses from my neck to my stomach, stopping when he was nestled between my thighs. He placed a kiss on the soft skin of my inner thigh and another on my clit before licking a wide stripe through my folds. His foreplay, the rough touches and slow, tender movements, drove me wild and left me throbbing for him. His tongue began to wrestle with my sensitive bundle of nerves and I closed my eyes tightly, savoring the feeling.

I was aching and dripping wet for him and all I wanted to do was come. I wanted him to erase all of the unease and anxiety I was feeling and replace it with euphoria.

I didn't expect to last very long. All of the anger and anxiety I was feeling had built up and was threatening to spill over and I wanted it to. I wanted it to drive me into the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced.

throwing rocks at your window // Topper ThorntonWhere stories live. Discover now