Episode 15: Boron Returns

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"how the hell did she died I loved her i mean how did she die um yeah" Tyson said.  "what did u say about here oh whatever deathslayer snapped her neck right infront of us" Tyson 2 said.  " I am going to find and then kill that insignificant spec of fire right now" Tyson said. "remember what Aangs spirit said we can not kill or take revenge" Tang said. " I dont care Now he dies for his carelessness" he yells back.  Tyson runs off and finds deathslayer in the middle of the village. "your gonna kill me infront of all those people your power does not scare me nothing scares me not anymore" He said *evil chuckle*.  "I will destroy you I am done letting You and Thoron take the people I care about" Tyson explains. "Its time you learn your lesson"  Tyson said.  Tyson lightning bends and shocks deathslayer over and over again deathslayer now has marks and holes in him from the lightning. "kill me then it wont heal you I have been there trust me" Deathslayer said *evil laugh*. 

"I dont trust you I never will you will perish by my hand" he said back. "your way too much of a hero to sell me out now fool I will kill you and then your mother and then I will abandon your father and then kill him too" *evil laugh* *evil laugh*.  Tyson lightning strikes him more and more and more and more at this point deathslayer is almost dead. "wait I know your future I know everything that will happen like I told Katrina I can not let your offspring live if you kill me now you will never know the future you wont know anything about your kids your wife your FUTURE" he screams *evil laugh*. "I dont trust you I never will gimme one reason why I should trust you" Tyson said. 

Boron comes out of nowhere "do you trust me" he says. "what boron your still alive?!" Tyson said. "Adnans staff is a little broken so it brought me back" He said.  "well if you dont screw off you will die again" Deathslayer said *evil chuckle*. Tyson lightning strikes him again and again. "what are you doing you cannot kill him Tyson!!" Boron said.  "I can and I will kill him he killed Katrina the only one I ever lov I mean cared about" Tyson yells.  Boron pulls out Adnans staff and a blue and gold magic spark comes out as a shadow begins to rise KATRINA IS BACK.  "Your alive Katrina" Tyson yells. Tyson hugs her but deathslayer laughs and fades off again!!. "deathslayer got away again" Katrina said. "I dont care as long as your alive and well" He said. 

They head on back to the hotel.  and watch some tv all the team together. "finally we might be done with the deathslayer related problems" Tang yells. "I am not so sure about that" Tyson.W said.  "I hate Deathslayer and all the idiots that try to mess with me THE MIGHTY AVATAR!!!" Tyson yells!!!. "as long as everyone is happy and everyone is safe then good for me" boron said. "how did we get a new Tv after Deathslayer broke it anyway" Tyson asks. "oh we put up the old tv we had at my house before I joined you group" Tang said.  "alrighty then" Tyson said. The ground begins to shake and shift. "what now What NOW!!!" Tyson yells. "oh I forgot to mention Thoron came back aswell Oops" Boron said.  "HOW THE HELL DO U FORGET TO MENTION THAT!!!" Tyson screams. Thoron breaks in. "DeathSlayer just informed me that my brother is back and yes he is always watching you" Thoron said.  "I do not have time for this bullcrap" Tyson said. "oh well its just too bad then I know your future aswell Deathslayer told me so I can use your own future against you" Thoron said *evil chuckle*.  "Deathslayer said that I have kids in the future and a wife just like Katrina Minus the wife part but yeah do you know who my wife is why Deathslayer wants to kill them or anything" Tyson explains. 

"I know everything Just hand over the lion turtle and we will call it even I will even leave you alone if you just hand it over" Thoron said. "first who is my wife and who are my kids" Tyson demands.  "I can give you a hint on your wife she is someone you already have met Now gimme the turtle or say goodbye to your future" Thoron demands. "I wont give it to you I found it its mine you will have to take it from me " Tyson said.  Thoron forms a metal gauntlet around his hand and then punches Tang knocking him out. "you wanted a fight now you got one" Tyson yells. Tyson throws lightning at the metal glove shocking thoron through the metal. Tyson continues to shock and shock him "now you will know what it feels like to lose something" Tyson said. Tyson shocks the glove and Thoron's and off. "You will pay for this you will me and deathslayer will take everyone from you and you will go insane you will lose and fail thats your future" Thoron said.  "you wont survive one more minute against me Thoron" Tyson said. 

Thoron forms a metal hand around his stump on his arm. Boron punches Thoron. "thats for my arm" Boron said. "none of you guys can stop me I will remain victorious I will destroy all of you Katrina's friends and family Tang's friends and family Tyson's friends and Family Tyson.W's friends and family Nothing nobody can hide from me forever I will win and I will stop at nothing to find you idiots no matter how hard it takes no matter how long it takes" Thoron explains. Tyson chucks an earth chunk at thoron but he uses his metal hand to grab it and throw it back at him slamming Tyson and pushing him back into a snow bank. "Thoron uses sandbending to sand slash Tyson but Tyson uses fire bending to turn it into glass and it just shatters all over the ground. Tyson uses air and earthbending and firebending to push giant rocks that are on fire at thoron. "not even you are as powerful as me the avatar if you were here you would know that I almost beat deathslayer" Tyson said. "I heard about that but he also told me you were distracted by Katrina friends and family such a weakness such and pushover you cannot count on anyone but yourself to do the dirty work" Thoron explains. "that hood cant hide how lonely you are fool" Tyson said. But thoron fades off back to deathslayer. "why did you do that deathslayer I had him" Thoron yells. " no you did not you were getting your ass kicked by a child fool" Deathslayer said. "as I recall this child almost killed you giggling imp" thoron said back.  "well we should probably start heading back to the hotel and get some sleep now" Tyson said. "yeah we probably should" Katrina said. 

Katrina,Tyson and the team head back to the hotel and get some sleep.    

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