Chapter 2//Thoughts

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This magic was quite scary at times but the cookie trudged on and continued to become quite the powerful mage. Vast spells to learn, so many options that lighter magic couldn't offer.

"Where are you going?" Spice asked as I padded off,

"I'm going to get some stuff that Reaper needs from the kingdom next door." I said making sure I had enough gold coins with me,

"Why are you going there? Isn't there any other place? What if they find out that you belong with us? And then they like imprison you or something!" He worried,

"They don't know that, I've been there before to get materials and things when I lived alone. I'm certain they won't find out, I don't think anyone would suspect a cookie buying cat stuff to be evil.." I said sarcastically finding his logic to be dumb,

"I'm just worried Necromancer..and I just don't like anyone going there." he said sounding hurt ugh you made him upset again- how does that even keep happening? I genuinely wondered, I didn't know how I always managed to make him feel bad,

"I was just stating the facts. Now I have to go, make sure to watch Reaper." I replied,

"Okay..bye." He murmured something under his breath after 'bye' but I didn't know what it was and I didn't really care. I grabbed my staff and waved gently. Then I opened the door and looked around, it was a bit later into the spring months so everything around was growing and beautiful. I took a moment to admire the forest near our house with trees bright green and swiveling vines creeping up them. There where some flowers blooming in many colors.

It reminded me of where I used to live, it was far from here. Just a simple small cottage out in the middle of the woods, it only had a few rooms and one was small and it was just a bedroom. I wish I could go back there, even if just for a day. I thought as I closed the door and began walking. For some reason the cozy feeling of my old home brought me back to GingerSpice. My mind seemed to associate the friendly feeling of home with him.

That's probably because of how friendly and welcoming he is. I connected and we used to be very good friends a little while ago. I didn't want to admit it to myself but I miss him a little. Of course you miss him, you still feel bad when you make him upset and  you care at least a little about him. You just drifted..can't you see that he still cares about you? My thoughts convinced, I tried to shake off all these thoughts. I've had these thoughts for a while, but more often then not they didn't usually interfere with my normal thinking. I don't miss him. I denied, if he still cares about me than it's his own problem. I had been walking for a while now.

I saw another cookie in the distance, I'm probably getting closer to the kingdom. I thought vaguely making out the shape of the castle. There was a group of younger cookie's talking amongst each other, ugh I hate this place, at least at the house there isn't cookies everywhere you tread. I thought walking into the kingdom. Of course just months ago I was walking through here to get some stuff for my cottage, but I still didn't like the place then.

I really felt like vomiting when I walked into a place like this, I never understood how they could live in such overcrowded areas so comfortably. GingerSpice used to be from a kingdom and said he enjoyed it quite a lot, he even wanted to build one for us and some other cookies someday. I don't understand why in the least. I just wanted to get what Reaper needed and leave. I made my way around looking for stuff I could could get so I can mentally check them off of my list. Luckily I did find everything on my imaginary list with little trouble.

I quickly left not wanting to hang around. I did slightly admire their taste in decor though. Nobody around the house knows how to decorate very well, that's just another thing I preferred about my old house. Spice was nice enough to let me decorate our room and it's probably the best looking place in the house. For once I actually I agree with him, our room looks really good. He's the only one with good taste I'll give him that. I sighed internally as I walked back with speed. After another glimpse of the flowers and nature in general I realized that I was nearly there. The area became familiar and I saw the house.

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