Chapter 5//Overwhelming

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Until one day he met a group of cookies who worked with Dark Enchantress cookie. She promised him all the dark magic the cookie could ever want, on the condition that the cookie joined.
Wizard's POV

I begrudgingly walked back to my room and sat on my bed. I was irritated in Spice's unwillingness to be open. I was very intrigued in his thought process. But he wouldn't even leave me a clue or anything he would just push me away when the conversation turned to him. That's what made me even more interested. Why would he try to distance himself from the conversation so much? What is he possibly hiding under that stupid wholesome smile? And why when the conversation turned to someone else, he was the complete opposite? I thought, Even when the cookie was present he would worry about them.

I get that he 'cares' about his friends, but it gets strange when he is the one who needs help but constantly would try to act like someone else needs it more or try to hide the fact. He always was friendly and never seemed to be sad. He hated anyone worrying about him or drawing attention to why he wouldn't want help or would quickly blame himself for something that wasn't his fault. And that's what was so intriguing about him. My curiosity was slowly killing me and I couldn't do anything about it. The only thing I could do is pry and try and get more answers out of him. But I'm sure he will just pile on excuses and desperately try to get me to leave him alone without being mean, It's just pitiful.

I shook my head, what was the point in even caring in the first place? But I couldn't stop being curious or maybe even slightly concerned. It's concerning for the sake of this team. That's why his health matters. I tried to calm down the current spiral in my head. I'm overthinking again, stop overthinking! I internally yelled at my thoughts I tried to distract myself to see what Reaper wanted since that is why in came in here. That was the only way to stop all of my constant thinking. I saw that his food bowl was empty,

"Oh you were just hungry. Here you are~!" I singsonged while filling his bowl once again,

"Why am I singing..?"I asked myself as Reaper walked over and greeted me with a meow and then ate. I shrugged at my own question and pet him.


After a day it turns out that Dark Enchantress Cookie had already known that we hadn't stopped them from getting into the castle. For some reason when Spice found out that she knew in the first place he began to act noticeably different. From just looking at him I could feel that he was acting nervous like something was coming and about to pounce from the bushes. It was probably him just being stupidly paranoid. But it was a bit off putting, I looked out the window in boredom,

"Hey Necro-" Strawberry began to ask,

"It's Wizard, GingerSpice just calls me that." I quickly corrected not even looking backwards,

"Oh um sorry. I mean Wizard, have you noticed that GingerSpice has been acting a do I put this?" She began to get quieter as she attempted to figure out what to say,

"Strange, anxious, nervous? Yeah I have noticed. It's kind of weird he's usually as bright as the sun itself, Blindingly so." I turned away from the window to her in her dark red hoodie as always. She had her backpack on, evident since the green straps where seen. There was a nervous glaze in her almond colored eyes,

"Well I think he is just trying to be a good friend. Isn't it a little worrying? I've just- I haven't seen him like this well..for a while. That was a few years ago." I looked confused,

"What happened?" I asked she looked surprised,

"He hasn't told you?" She shifted nervously. And seemed to be a bit more worried,

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