Part 1.2 (The New World We Live In): Chapter 2

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Walking Among the Dead: The New World We Live In


"We need to get the hell out of here!" shouts Chuck.

"And go where? Home? Those streets were jammed enough without this panic" retorts Nikhil.

Kurt adds, "We can't go home. They said somewhere isolate."

"I'd kind of like to go to my own house with my own family," denies Ryan.

Andrew finally intervenes after the rest begin joining in on the bickering, "Okay guys, if you want somewhere out of the action, my Aunt Kandi and Uncle Chad's house is only about twenty minutes from here. I know about four different ways to get there so the traffic won't be a problem. And it's just about as minimally populated as we're going to get for this area. There aren't but three other houses visible from their property." John looks at him, confused at first, but then obviously to be in wholehearted consent with the offer of their aunt and uncle's place. "It's a pretty big house and they've got a lot of land so some of us going there wouldn't be a problem. At least for the duration of whatever this is."

While Andrew is speaking, Kyle taps at his shoulder, wishing desperately to get his attention to point out what he sees. Andrew ignores it though, "I understand it isn't as easy for you guys because your parents are at home. But for John, Kyle, and I, that is family and neither of our immediate ones are home anyway." This is right because John and Kyle's parents went out shopping much earlier in the morning but did not tell their sons exactly where.

Alex certainly sees the logic behind the plan and voices his thoughts, "Sure, Drew. I'm in." He adds, "You're still my ride anyway" with a smile. Unlike usual, though, the manipulative leadership abilities of Alex and Andrew fail to apply. Most of the guys remain against the idea. "He's not kidnapping you or asking you to abandon your families," Alex persuades, "Just somewhere to get away to while this has time to blow over. I suggest you heed their warnings, I've never heard of anything this serious."

Andrew thanks Alex with a nod and finally directs his attention to Kyle. "Andrew, look at the chopper's crash site. Something's walking out of it, on fire!" As Kyle turns and the others look beyond him, a cloud of smoke occupies their vision and nothing more can be seen but charcoal gray and the backs of their eyelids as they squint their eyes and cough in response to the smoke.

"Well whatever we do, we better do quickly because being outside is neither isolated nor indoors," Mike reminds them.

Andrew begins, "Alex said he's in, plus John, Kyle, and I. That's four out of the thirteen here-"

Mike interrupts, "I'll come too. I've got nothing better to do today."

John tells Andrew he needs to stop home first so he can grab keys to his own vehicle; he and Kyle had walked to the park earlier. Though going to different destinations, all of the different houses the boys are headed to are in the same direction in respect to the park. The convoy currently has five vehicles. Andrew packs John, Kyle, Alex, and Mike into his car for the quick lift to John's house; Matt and Ryan had carpooled originally in Ryan's Calliber; as well as Brian and Brandon together; Mitch and Chuck had plans to go hang out together afterwards, but Chuck needs brought home to go get his ankle checked out; and Nikhil hitched a ride with Kurt, who lives nearby, and who has completely forgotten about the computer business with Andrew with from all of the stress. Andrew leads the way and as they pull out of the park, Kyle redirects his gaze to the now-cratered portion of their football field. What flames had persisted were starting to turn almost entirely to smoke and he blinked, as if unseeing what he had seen and was witnessing again-- no, different this time; two beings walking—no, limping from the wreckage in the direction of the houses nearest the park, still ablaze. He blinks again and opens his eyes to a street filled with cars.

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