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every year on october 31st, the wizarding world celebrated mainly because of the defeat of he-should-be-not-named or other wise known as lord no nose.. oh ahem, excuse me i mean lord voldeywaldy

lord voldemort,who used the be the smexcy tom riddle but that changed because he was obsessed with not dying and he spliy his bloody soul just to make hororuxes.

for the potters it was they day they lost their one year old daughter.

lily, her husband james along with james best friends sirius and remus, entered an old nursery that belonged to the one year that went missing.

the room looked decent, so i'll give them that. no dust, no nothing.

if the child was still there, they would've grew up with her older brother and younger sister.

the group looked around the room, tears rolling down their faces as memories played in their heads. they looked at old pictures and old toys that the child played with.

"it's been years james." lilly potter, mother of the missing child sniffled.

the husband of lilly, and the father of the child was going to speak untill a bright flash happened, causing the group to jump back a little and wrap their arms around their significant other.

the bright dies down and in its place laid a note

"im not picking that up!" james said siriusly

"dibs not it!" sirius screeched and put his finger on the side of his nose. james following right along.

lily and remus would roll their eyes at them before remus would pick up the note

the note read
- - -
dear potter and co,

if you want to know what happened to your daughter please report to hogwarts ASAP

- - -

lily looked at her husband with hope in her eyes but the other three men were anything but please.

they were thinking that someone was playing some sick joke, but yet they still wanted to know. the four would appear ite to hogsmade before walking to the castle

~time skip brought to you by dobby trying to save harry's life~

when they arrived at the great hall they weren't the only ones there, the order of phoenix- what ever was left of it, moody, tonks, and the malfoys. along with the blacks, potters, marline mckinnon and her daughter riley mckinnon.

"is this some sick joke?!" james sneered out

mia sat at the gryffindor table wonder what was up with her dad.

"harry i've think your dads gone mental" ron whispered to harry as he gulped slightly before eating some of his chicken that he was eating previously.

"my eldest daughter has been missing for 11 years! and now someone wants to joke about it!?" james scoffs as he yelled.

harry looked down at the mention of his younger sister. he was two years old when she went missing. hermionie and ron looked at harry like he betrayed him. "why didn't you tell us you had another sister you prat!" hermionie said speaking for the both of them

"i have an older sister?" mia asked her parents as she was shocked.

lily would nod as she smiled at her daughter softly as she explained to her on what happened.

ғᴀʏᴇ ᴘᴏᴛᴛᴇʀ ,, 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now