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Everyone was quiet as they waited for something to appear on the screen. Suddenly words started to pop up on the screen.

(reactions. screen)

'once upon a time'

'there was an enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know'

'or think we know.'

'one day they found themselves trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen'

"that sounds horrible" a student whispered to their friends, but since the hall was quiet everyone heard it.

'our world.'

'this is how it how it happened...

- - -

Over Black , we hear the sounds of HEAVY BREATHING and GALLOPING. The Screen turns on.


A bucolic countryside . the sun is setting and casting a magical glow over the beautiful stretch of land. Peaceful . Idyllic.

Suddenly a steed breaks into the frame. On its back is an determined Man.His dress and attire tell us we're somewhere different.

"is this the past?" ron asked. Bella would turn to him with a deadpanned look on her face. "no it's the future." she said rolling her eyes before she turned back around after she saw the stern look her mother gave her. Regina knew Bella was going to say something smart because she had a smart mouth,and then his mother would get mad.

This man is PRINCE charming, and as it could be seen, he was in a rush. Charming pushes the steed hard into the WOODS.

"does the woods there have magical creatures?" a second year asked. The ones from the Enchanted Forrest + bella and henry didn't know how to answer the question. Everything about the Enchanted Forrest was Magical and their was creatures.

He moves through the thick trees. Dodging Branches. He reaches the clearing and skids to an halt before he dismounts the horse. He meets several dwarfs gathered around a glass coffin.

DOC: You're too late

The camera turns to snow white. Beautiful. Dark Haired. Eyes Closed. Arms Folded over her chest. DEAD. Charming eyes weld up

"you look very pretty for a dead person." bella comments telling Mary Margret and everyone would just look at her.



He said before he rushed over to them.


He said as he sadly looked at snow white

GRUMPY: I'm sorry, she's gone.

people who didn't know the story of snow white felt bad for the man,considering his love is dead and he couldn't save her. they seemed to forget that she was in the same room as them.

PRINCE CHARMING: At least let me say goodbye.

The dwarfs remove the lid of the coffin. Prince charming looked at her in sorrow; he leaned down and kissed her. As their lips touched, the spell that Snow White was under broke, and a pulse of magic and whooshing sound spread across the land.

"true loves kiss?" mcgonagall mumbled as she looked at the screen in awe. she had read about it before but she didn't know if it was real or not.

Snow white woke up with a gasp, and her eyes landed on prince charming.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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