~*~ 2 ~*~

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The sun creeps into his room, impossibly early. It seemed as though only an hour had passed. He looks at his clock to realise, that is because it was only an hour. He really needed to stop staying out so late. It was really messing with his brain.

He rolls over, dreading the moment Phil would call for him to wake up and start his day. Sometimes he wishes he could just tell his family. It felt horrible to keep a secret from Phil. The one who gave him everything he knew and loved. Just as bad as it felt to have to hide things from his brothers. They told him everything... right?

"Wilbur! You need to start waking up earlier, you have a job!" Phil calls, knocking on his door. He groans and rolls over. "I'll be out in a few..." he yells back. He hears Phil walk away to wake his brothers. Tommy had to go to school. Techno was up before the sun, but sometimes he forgets to take care of himself, deeming his online classes more important than his well being.

  Wilbur stands up, the weight of his body feeling much heavier than that of last night. He felt as if he could fly. And maybe if he tried he could. He had such an odd power, it was constantly changing. Yet the only fragment that stayed was his ability to mind control someone. All he needed to do was stare at them in their eyes, and they had to slip into his trance. Yet, some people were strong, and could resist the control. Hence the reason be was able to become a vigilante, if you could even call him that. He didn't believe he was getting into the hero and villain business. He was just trying to keep the city safe from petty criminals and murderers.

  He walks over to his dresser, picking out a light chocolate coloured jumper, and a pair of grey joggers. It was a simple outfit. He was only going to the shops today. A Friday. Prime time to buy coffee, as most citizens were less tired at the end of the week, and a coffee was not as desirable amongst the masses.

  His hair was a matted mess. Picking up a comb and brushing through it, he realises just how tired he looked, dark circles present under his eyes. Perhaps he should take a break from patrolling. But his city needed him. At least that is what he told himself.

  He walks out of his room to see Tommy and Phil sitting at the dining table. As usual, Tommy was scrambling to finish his english essays. Sometimes he would let Techno do them for him, but Techno was nowhere to be found.

  "Oh Tommy, when was this one assigned..." Wilbur sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. He looks up to see Tommy blankly staring while writing.

   He lets his pen do the writing, and more often than not, his writing was better than mine. I envied the kid. He had talent. While I wrote songs, he wrote poetry that flows as calmly as the water in the river.

Techno walks into the kitchen, dark bags heavy under his eyes, a silent reminder of his sleepless study nights. Certainly he will be done soon. It's been years of the course.

"Tech, you really need to sleep a little more," Phil softly sighs. "Same for you Wil, you look terrible."

Wilbur knew it was true. Yet he couldn't quit his night patrols. For one, they were his form of escapism, a time for himself to forget his life, to imagine he was a rich and famous person who was exalted by the public eye. However he knew that would never be the case. It was too risky for his name to be thrown around in risk of his family finding out his secret identity.

  "I am sorry Phil, I swear I will sleep more," Wilbur smiles, sarcasm hidden deeper in his voice. Techno nods in agreement.

~*~ 1st person ~*~

  I sit at the table, resting my feet on the cold metal bar in the centre. Tommy throws his pencil down and sighs.

  "Mr. J will certainly love this paper, I made it all sappy and shit," he laughs, "told us to write a poem about one thing we loved about his class. Totally didn't lie about all thats shit." I chuckle and look at his paper as he reaches for his glass of Coke Zero. He always insisted Coke Zero was better.

  "Tommy, could I read your paper," Techno asks. Of course, the english major wants to read.

  Tommy slides the paper to Techno. He picks it up and begins to read. He nods in approval, but it was short lived.

  "You spelled colour wrong," he snorts. Tommy grabs for the paper, but Techno holds it above his head. "C-O-L-O-R is how you should have spelled it," Techno coos out. I mentally facepalm. "Tech thats the American way you dumb fuck," Tommy scoffs. Techno mutters something under his breath and sighs.

  "Wilbur you need to head to work, its 8:30," Phil says, setting his cup of milk down. "My boss told me I am off today," I answer, walking into the kitchen to grab a bowl. I reach into the nearby cupboard and pull out the cheerio's. My family's conversation continues, and I can distinctly hear Tommy shouting about something. Possibly Techno 'bullying' him again.

I walk to the fridge and grab the first thing that my hand touches, not thinking about it. "What the actual fuck Will! No, no, no, no! Who puts fucking apple juice and cereal together? Are you fucking insane!" Tommy shouts at me, laughing in the process. I turn to look at him, then at the bottle in my hand, to in fact see apple juice. Phil and Techno burst out laughing and I join in.

After I finally sit down with my cereal, Tommy is scrambling to get out the door. "See you later Toms," I call after him. Phil sighs. "I wish Tommy would do his essays the night before at least, poor kid almost never eats breakfast," he looks at the empty seat across from himself.

  I felt bad for him. I don't think he eats school lunch either. I don't blame him, the shits nasty, but it does fill your stomach pretty well. I remember when I was in high school they served me a mouldy bag of apples. Never again will I eat a bag of apples. Maybe I should start packing him a small snack.

  "Did you know that the first rickroll happened in May of 2007?" Techno randomly says. I just turn my head and stare at him. "Why do you know this?" I ask. He chuckles, "I don't know, why not?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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