Chapter 1

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Weddings. The best events to occur in summer. Dressing up, loading my face with makeup, sparkling in jewellery and walking like i'm the main character.
The first wedding of the season. I was so excited i could barely breathe when i discovered we had an invitation. Me and my 3 sisters dancing as we brushed our teeth, singing as we blended our foundation and arguing as we help each other get dressed. It was the most joyous time as a family and the most exciting time as girls. Walking in while everyone stares at us from head to toe and scans every feature of our faces and outfits. Some may hate the feeling of potentially being judged but me and my sisters? No we love the attention!
We arrived at the wedding and walked in strutting like we were in a catwalk. My eyes followed every person i saw. My intention was to walk in with my head held high to give off a confident vibe. However my attention was diverted by this beautiful boy, whom i had locked eyes with.
Anyways scrap that, boys are ew.
As we walked in to the venue we greeted other guests and went and found our seats at a table. My stunning dress was attracting the upmost attention from the people, i loved it.
Walking in heels however, a horrible feeling, but as they say, beauty is pain.
I pulled out my clutch and sighed in disbelief, How on earth could i have forgotten my phone? Well thats a buzzkill.
I am going to have to walk all that way again back to the car for my stupid phone.
I got up and walked out with the biggest resting bitch face. As i stepped out of the venue i saw a group of teenage boys sat on a bench across the road. There was an extremely handsome, tall one wearing a white tee and grey joggers, that is the one i locked eyes with earlier. For goodness sake, could this get any worse, i thought. They were quite a distance away, although i would have to walk right past them if i wanted to get to the car. Ugh whatever, hes just a guy.
I made my way on to the pavement and looked at my heels as i smoothly walked past them. I heard one of them say damn and laugh before the one i fancied told him to Shutup.
I carried on walking until i heard sudden footsteps behind me, i turned around to see him stood there with his hands in his pockets. I turned back around and squinted my eyes, thinking what the hell am i supposed to do now.
"hi" he said with confidence.
"What" i replied with ignorantly.
He budged up so he was in line with me and kept looking at me as we walked.
I stopped walking.
"Can i help you" i said with an annoyed voice as i rolled my eyes and folded my arms.
"yes you can actually, my hand hurts" he replied.
"Okay well what the hell do you want me to do?"
"I need u to hold it"
I gagged and scoffed as i carried on walking, what a joker.
"Im messing" he said as he laughed as if the joke was funny.
"I want ur number"
"Yh and i want to be a princess, the world is tough" i replied with, although in my mind i was dancing and jumping, he was so beautiful i was completely flattered.
His eyes a light honey.
His hair wavy and brown, it fell so perfectly on his face like it was a picture. Dimples that complimented his cheekbones so well, i could not get enough.
And the best of all, he was extremely tall.
Each time he spoke i got butterflies from his deep, calm voice.
He asked me where i was going. I replied with "to Antartica , why?"
He slightly laughed and said "because I'm coming with you"
"No you're not" i said.
Which to he replied "am i not allowed to walk with my future wife"
My heart oh my days.
He knows exactly what to say at exactly what time.
But no he is such a hoe. I bet he says these things to every girl he sees. And just as i thought that, two girls walked past us smiling and flipping their hair trying to get his attention. But he did not look up once. He stared at the ground until they had walked past. My mind was completely blown. What is even happening here?

We finally arrived at the car, i grabbed my phone and continued to walk back to the venue. Which to no surprise he did too.
"So are we just going to continue walking in silence?" he asked.
"Yes if thats what it takes for you to leave me alone" i replied.
"You're playing hard to get i see, i know you want me" he said.
"God, you need to come to your senses, not every girl you speak to is in love with you".
"Ouch" he said.
Damn that was hurtful even coming from me.
"Well are you going to give me your number or not" he asked.
"Isnt it quite obvious" i replied.
He moved in front of me, facing me and walking backwards.
That was so fit idec.
He stared into my eyes while walking.
I stared back and carried on walking, pretending that he had no impact on me whatsoever, but inside i was extremely nervous.

My feet were killing in these heels, i stopped and sighed as i jumped up to sit on this wall, to give my feet a rest.
"Is everything okay?" He asked with an eyebrow raised and a look of concern.
"Yes, everything would be okay if you were not here" i said.
Even though i was flattered that he had shown interest in me, i spoke to him with arrogance, not because i was playing hard to get but simply because i do not trust him. He is messing about for a joke with his boys. He is not seriously interested in me.
As i sat on the wall, he moved closer to me and rested his hands on the wall. Each of his hands next to each of my thighs as he stood between my legs. He stared into my eyes, i got so sick of it that i pushed his head back. He laughed and shook his head while smiling.
"Tell me your name" he demanded.
"Why should i tell you" i replied.
"Oh my, must everything be so hard with you woman" he spoke.
To which i raised my eyebrows and gave him a dirty look.
After five minutes of complete silence and both of us staring at the sky he said "shall we get going now then?"
"We???" I said.
"Theres no we, pal" i shouted while rolling my eyes.
"Don't pal me" he muttered offendedly.
"Suit yourself then" he said as he walked away.
"Thats what i thought" i replied with until i realised there is no way of me getting down from this wall without his help.
Is this a joke. What is my luck.
"Urm, excuse me" i lightly called him in an embarrassed voice.
"Yes" he replied, in a smug tone, like he knew i was going to call him.
"Can i u-urm have some help?" I asked while i looked down, embarrassed and pissed off.
"I will help you down, if you promise to tell me your name and give me your number"
"Okay, okay i promise, but then you have to leave me alone" i stated.
"Fair enough" he huffed.
He placed his hands on my lower waist, and slowly put me on the ground as he stared at my face.
We glared into each others eyes. I couldn't stop looking. He was mesmerising. I carried on staring back until i realised what was happening and quickly interrupted with a sharp "oh, w-well we should get going, i don't want to miss the whole wedding"
He said "yes we should, but aren't you forgetting something"
I put my number in his phone and he named me "moody El" short for Elisha, although i don't know who gave him permission to already give me a nickname. Silly man.
"You must leave me be now, a deal is a deal" i stated.
"Im a gentlemen, and so i keep my promises, you are free to go back the wedding alone" he replied.
"Finally" i sighed and i walked back into the venue, with a slight smile on my face trying to hide the fact that i was blushing.

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