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It's only been a couple weeks of me training Danny and Tessa but I don't know why but whenever Tessa is close to Danny I get jealous but I can never tell him that and I know that both Tessa and Danny need this job so I say nothing and just help them. *few hours pass* I was about to leave but then it decides to rain and I don't have a umbrella. "Just great, now I have to look for a store to pay a new one" I say out loud  to myself. "Hey wanna borrow mine" I heard Danny say "oh hey! No it's ok I'll just wait till the rain stops. I do have some papers I need to look through so I'll just go back inside and work more I guess" I say a little sad since it's Friday. "Come on its Friday should be able to relax. How about you come over to my house and I can help you out with those papers" Danny offered me his umbrella and I felt like I was in a movie. So I just nodded and leaned in so we both don't get soaked. But by doing this I was constantly inhaling Danny's scent and it was so nice I just wanted to fall asleep. My actions didn't go unnoticed sadly and he broke the silence "you like my cologne??" I just got embarrassed and said "ummm yeah kinda it smells very cozy like I'm in the Christmas season. And I love it" Danny looked at me and giggled "while I could get another bottle for you so you can always smell it" I immediately nodded loving this idea. "I'll pay you back for it promise" I said. "Nah don't worry about it. Maybe you can pay me back by doing some of my work that I'm behind on" he said half-joking and half-truth. I smacked him across the head and said "I can only help you nothing more" he looked at me and said "finneeeeee" I laughed as Danny stopped in front of his door step "wow your house looks beautiful!" I exclaimed "thanks sorry if the house is a little messing my roommate had some friends over" I just nodded thinking about how messing my apartment is. He opened the door and the house looked more beautiful inside than outside.
"You living room looks so cool" I said looking around. "Thanks I tried to go for the 1900 meets modern style" he said proud of his work. I laughed and said "is your roommate here? If so I can go so I don't bother you guys" Danny shook his head and yelled out "ARNYYYYY!!! Are you still here bro?" I just heard another voice yelling "YEAHHHHHH!!!" I started to laugh so hard my cheeks hurt. Danny looked at me and said "come on I'll take you up to my room Arny won't mind" I nodded and followed Danny making sure my footsteps were quiet not to bother Arny.

A/n: Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoy it and share it with friends if you want. ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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