Chapter 1 ·❆·

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The annoying buzzer of mine started going off with the same annoying noise as always. As I reached over to turn the dumb alarm off I accidentally hit the 10 more minutes button to which I was thankful for.

I slowly turned back on my side and continued to enjoy my nice warm comfortable bed. Letting my body sink in the sheets molding me until I eventually fell back asleep. Once asleep again I continued the dream. I was letting the dream take over the noise of my alarm clock going off again.

I woke up and yawned slowly as I looked over at my alarm clock to see what time it was. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't mistaking the time but nope I wasn't seeing things, I was late for school and it was already 9:30. I sighed as I jumped out of bed and went to my bathroom to take a quick shower before I would be scolded by my annoying teacher. After my shower, I pulled my tights up and over my thighs and put the rest of my uniform on. I grabbed my bag and slowly headed downstairs. This wasn't the first time I had been late, just yesterday I was late and the day before that as well. Ever since my parents left and I moved into dorms, my life had been moving slowly, but I was expecting that to happen.

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Kurumi made her way out of the door getting ready for a day of boring hero lessons. The only thing she thought was fun out of it was beating other people's asses. Even though everyone in the class got along she couldn't help but feel proud when she beat Uraraka or Katsuki in hero training. As she stepped into the school, she passed various classes until she finally reached hers. Sliding open the door slowly, she opened it just as she expected. Aizawa Sensei was standing right in front of it with his eyes red and hair up asking where she had been for an hour.
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"So Kurumi where have you been? This is the 3rd time you've been late. If you don't think this class is important enough I'd be more than happy to expel you." Aizawa said
His words had made me feel nervous, even if he was just saying that to scare me I couldn't help but feel like he was staring daggers into my soul. Still if I didn't answer him I knew he wouldn't be kidding about expelling me so I made up a lie, I've always been good at lying anyways. "I'm sorry for being late again Aizawa Sensei, my grandmother had asked me to come over to make breakfast since she wasn't feeling well, I didn't realize I was late until I checked the time.
" He stared at me for a few seconds before humming and telling me to sit down. I sighed out of relief and made my way to sit down quickly since everyone's eyes were on me. "I know damn well that was a lie." Bakugou whispered from behind me, I smiled slightly and started writing down notes.

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As class was coming to an end Kurumi was staring at the clock waiting for it to be over, until finally. As soon as the bell went off the teen rushed out of the classroom eagerly rushing to meet her boyfriend Matsu on the roof since he had a surprise for her. Before she left she grabbed the neatly wrapped bento box Katsuki made her knowing that she most likely didn't make herself lunch, she didn't want to spend money on the school lunch so this was something that happens a lot. Once she arrived on the roof she immediately spotted her boyfriend and ran up behind him to give him a hug. The boy quickly turned around and returned the hug before he gave her a peck on the lips.

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