Chapter 1

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Sonic and his friends had just finished stopping a robbery and took the criminals to the police.

Tom: I've got to say Sonic you've been getting better at the whole super hero thing.

Sonic: Why thank you Doughnut Lord.

Tails helped the police escort the robbers into their sell.

Police officer: You know you furry aliens are a really good help but have you ever thought of helping other planets.

The trio never thought of that before.

Sonic: Well maybe but right now I think earth needs us more right now you never know when someone just as or more evil than Dr Robotnik might appear.

Police officer: Fair enough.

Later back at the house.

Sonic was wondering what other planets are there but he didn't have time to think as it was movie night his favourite time of the week.

It was Tails' turn to pick a film.

Tails: Hmm I choose Detective Pikachu.

Sonic: Alright good choice buddy

Tom and Maddie smiled.

After the film.

The Master Emerald started glowing causing confusion for our heroes.

They went over to check on it.

Sonic: Uh guys is it suppose do this?

Before anyone else could say a word everything went black.

Sonic and started hearing voices.

Girl 1: This guy seems to be fine he's just knocked out.

Girl: 2 What should we do with him?

Sonic then jumped up and started running.

Sonic: Where am I? Where is my family? GUYS WHERE ARE YOU???

Sonic then bumped into a purple girl.

Sonic: Oh my god I am so sorry.

Purple girl: No I should be apologising I am the fastest thing in the universe.

Sonic then laughed.

Sonic: I'm sorry but I'm the fastest in the universe.

Purple Girl: Okay prove it.

Sonic then ran there and back.

Sonic: I'm Sonic by the way

Lilac: My name is Lilac.

Sonic: That's a nice name.

Lilac: Want a race?

Sonic then remembered something and started panicing.

Sonic: I would love to but I've got to find my family first.

Lilac: Whoa whoa calm down I'll help you describe what they look like.

Sonic then described what his family looked like.

Lilac: Okay do you have a picture of them?

Sonic: Yes actually.

He pulled out a family photo and Lilac took a look.

Lilac: Oh yeah I've seen those people

Sonic perked up.

Lilac: Yeah I'll take you to them.

Sonic: Oh thank you so much you're a life saver.

The two ran to where Sonic's family was.

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