✨part 5🩸

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( Jungkook's pov)

I open my eyes when sunlight fall on my face and sat up only to remember the last night incident . I wish that whatever happens at night was an bad dream but as soon as the thought came to my mind I hear an voice in my mind which is the proof that whatever happened in last night was not any bad dream but an cruel reality and today was the starting of 'hell of my life ' .that voice said that " it's not any bad dream jungkook it's the reality and today is the starting of the hell of your life , now now don't just sit on the bed and started to get ready for your office cause I can't wait for my meal" he said while laughing like a maniac ". After that I decided to go to bathroom and do my morning routine and after taking good bath of 1 hour I get ready and left without having breakfast cause I am not feeling like having it. And it's already 7:30 so I quickly take my car keys and leave for my office.

 And it's already 7:30 so I quickly take my car keys and leave for my office

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(This is how he was looking and wearing)

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(This is how he was looking and wearing)

When I reach office i quickly left for my cabin and started to do my work after 5 min a knock was heard so I reply with cold voice "come in" and after that mina enter and bow to me and wishes good morning , which was definitely not good at least for me but I nod my head and she started to tell my schedule for today " sir today you have meeting with top 10 CEO'S of world at 10 a.m. in Mr.kim's company". As soon as I heard Mr .kim i remember about our friendship and talking during night and remembering that a small smile made its way to my face cause he is so much understanding & handsome, cute at the same time and I wanted to make our friendship strong cause rather than my childhood friends ,I didn't make any friends knowing their intentions cause they only want money and body and this is the reason I am always so cold towards the stranger . Taehyung is the first one who melt my heart and become friend of mine and knowing that he already have money and looks because of which he can get anyone . Was really wanted to become my friend.after some time I heard a voice which is off my secretary and looking at me worriedly and I know that right now I am smiling out of nowhere by hearing her loud voice I can say that she is definitely calling me for quite sometime so I quickly compose myself and clear my throat. Then she asked " sir are you alright" gosh right now I want nothing more than just to burry myself deep inside the ground. But I quickly answer "yeah , i am alright and now you can leave mina " she is about to protest but quickly stop herself after seeing my expression then bow to me and left my cabin. After sometime I decided to start my work .

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