✨part 16🩸

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( Next morning)
( No one's pov)

When in the morning tae feel some weight on me he slowly opened his eyes and bless with the beautiful site which he want to see every morning .that there his beautiful bun sleeping head on his chest hands on his torso.without him knowing a boxy smile appear on his face after sometime he see that his bun is about to open his eyes so he quickly close his eyes to pretend to be sleeping and know that what his bun will do waking up.

Kook open his eyes and quickly close them due to the brightness then after sometime he again open his eyes and see chest then after few seconds he realised that he was married now and is sleeping on his hubby's chest then scene from last came into his mind and become a blushing mess then move his head from tae's chest to look up and bless with the view which everyone want to see the first thing in morning. He slowly trace his finger on the face of tae while admiring his face and when his finger reach near tae's lips tae open his eyes and take his finger in his mouth making younger to flinch then blush.

"Good morning love" said tae in his deep morning voice which send chill in kook's spine .
" Good morning hubby" said kook while kissing tae's cheek.making tae to smile and kiss kook's forehead.

Then tae was slowly moving to kiss kook's lips but suddenly kook put his hand his mouth and while limping go to bathroom, seeing him like this tae got worried and behind him.

When he reached there the scene made him worried like hell cause there his bun was leaning against the toilet seat and vomiting so he quickly rushed towards kook and rub his back and When he stop vomiting tae quickly go to bring water and made him drink it then give him mouthwash to wash his mouth after which he took him towards and made him sit on it. " What happened bun are you alright did it hurt anywhere or do you have fever should we go to doctor for check up or di-"tae said while checking kook's forehead and body but got cut off by kook ." Hubby i am alright maybe i have eat something last night due to which this happens." No bun i am not listening and we are going to for check up so go and get ready okay" "but-" kook got cut off "no but and we going" tae said sternly leave no choice for any rejection " okay" Said kook after sighing defeatly hearing this tae kiss kook's forehead and " you go fresh-an up while i will order breakfast okay bun" " okay hubby " said kook and go to take bath after 15 minutes he get ready while tae go and bath and he also came back after 15 minutes in between there breakfast also reached . So after eating breakfast they both got ready and left to visit a doctor. While driving kook again vomit for 2 times which make tae to get more worried.

 While driving kook again vomit for 2 times which make tae to get more worried

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( This is how both are looking)

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( This is how both are looking)

After 30 minutes ride they both reach hospital . Then they go to reception and tae ask " hello we have booked an appointment with Dr. Minho on the name of kim Taehyung " " yes sir, you can go to room number 7 he was waiting for you" " okay thanks" .

When they reach at the cabin of Dr Minho they both get in." Hello Dr .Minho "said tae " Hello Mr&Mrs kim" said doctor.

"Please have a seat Mr& Mrs kim" said doctor." So what make you visit me Mr.kim" asked doctor " actually doctor he is vomiting since morning and feeling dizzy i don't know why it is happening cause at night we both ate same food so this is not because of food " said tae " it's okay Mr.kim don't panic let me ask some questions from Mrs.kim" Said doctor at which tae nodded his head."so Mrs.kim i want to ask you that if you both get intimate in recently" Said doctor.hearing this both get embarassed but tae got some courage to answer this question." Yes doctor tomorrow we get here for our honeymoon so we get intimate tomorrow but what's problem doctor?" " Ahh it's nothing mr.kim i just want to confirm something also mrs.kim i want you perform a test " said doctor while taking out pregnancy test kit and give it to kook who Take it while looking at doctor confused looking " Mrs.kim don't get confused i just want to confirm something to get my doubt clear " hearing this kook take one look at tae who also nodded his head after which kook go inside washroom and after performing test he waits for 5 minutes but after five minutes when he saw the results his eyes full with tears and when he get outside seeing his crying face tae got worried and quickly go to kook " baby what happen bun why are you crying tell me baby you are getting me worried" " said tae while holding kook face in his both hands and whipe tears from his face but kook doesn't said anything he just show the test kit to tae who first looking but when he see the two line in result his eyes also filled with tear and without wasting time he hug his bun and both shed happy tears " well my confusion was right and congratulations Mr&Mrs.kim you are going to be parents " said doctor while smiling looking at beautiful couple . Hearing this both break hug and look at doctor while smiling brightly." Thank you doctor" said kook at this tae also nodded smiling" well it's my job also now you both have to be more careful cause for first 4 month you both can't get intimate with eachother and mrs.kim also have some mood swings
He also crave many things which he didn't eat before but it's normal in pregnancy and for other thing I will give you the book about pregnancy and you can continue your work till 5 month and for other doubt you can call me also you have visit every month for both yours and child health" hearing this they both nodded their head and after thanking doctor they both left and decided to tell about this to other after their honeymoon and will give surprise to their family members.

( Well i am extremely sorry for late update bubs 😔but will try to update in short time also sorry for this boring chapter and try to make next chapter intresting 😁💜💜💜💜)

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