The Meeting

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"Oh fuck!", I screamed as I ran. The three bullies behind me chased me through the forest.
"WE'LL MAKE YOU REGRET LIVING Y/N!!", one of them yelled. I maneuvered through the trees and finally got out of their sight. Looking around, I saw that there were different shaped doors on the trees surrounding me. One had a pumpkin, which stood out to me because I like Halloween. I opened it, seeing a black void. A smile creeped onto my face as I got inside. I fell, and after a bit I hit the ground. My head hurt from the fall. I got up and saw I'm in another forest, but it was a little more creepy. I walked a random direction hoping to find something. And so I did. A treehouse of sorts was in my sight. As well as someone in a red outfit.  He somehow had a demon tail that was swooshing around, and he had red hair.  He saw me and jolted up from the position he was in, which was leaning on the side of the treehouse. I just stood there as he walked over to me. As he got closer, I realized he had very pale skin and blue lips. He stopped a few feet away from me.
"Where the fuck did you come from?!", he asked. I looked around in anxiousness. I heard him scoff.
"Are you going to answer me?" I sighed.
"I was being chased, then I found these doors, and I fell through the pumpkin one, and then I walked here." He crossed his arms as he stared at me. I saw two more people behind him, running up to us. One seemed like a girl and the other was a boy.
"What's happening over here?", the girl said. She wore a purple witch hat, a purple dress, and black leggings with boots. She had thin, black hair that rested on her shoulders, and a greenish skin tone. The boy had green hair and was wearing a skeleton hoodie with black jeans. His eyes had heavy bags under them.
"I found this human that claimed to find our treehouse by falling from the "pumpkin door" in the forest because she was running from people.", the red one explained. The skeleton kid made his way up to me.
"So, what's your name?", he asked. I nervously rocked back and forth on my feet.
"Y/N. What's yours?" They shared a glance then looked back at me.
They did a little pose at the end which made me smile.
"So, I'm guessing you don't have anywhere to go. Am I correct?", Shock asked. I nodded. She grabbed the other two and they huddled into a little group. I could hear whispers, but couldn't make out what they were saying. Lock walked up to me after they were finished, and put his arm around my shoulder.
"You can live with us! We just have to introduce you to Oogie Boogie then we'll be good.", he said. I didn't know this "Oogie Boogie" character but it sounded like a good idea. We all walked over to the treehouse and into a little cage lift thingy. It was like an elevator but instead of an elevator it was a cage. Once we got the the top, we stepped inside...

A/n Yay I finally got to make a fanfiction on here. The other thing isn't a fanfiction it's just a story. Anyways I have the full plan for this in my head so I'll update when I have time. Goodbye losers!

 Goodbye losers!

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