Contemporary art

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- "Morian, this is not the first time this happens. I thought you would improve your grades as you were the one chosing this project. It seems like you didn't invest enough time in your research and text structure. I want to believe you've spent time on it and tried your best but it really does not seem like it. I however appreciate the cultural point about "la soupe de mamie" but this is unfortunately too vague. I wish you had talked about some geographical influences and how this humanitarian movement started. You have to always look further and question the world around you", the teacher takes a break in his speech to shush a couple of students being too loud behind his back. "If I can give you some advice, don't believe pure goodness is true, there is always a motivation behind and you need to use your logic as well as using some historical facts in order to reconstitute the motives. I hope you'll do better next time. You can always come to me if you have questions", the teacher holds his empathetic expression for two more seconds and then proceeds to wash his expression to get back to a more neutral one and goes to the next victim.

Morian receives the assignment where a red 'C-' is written on the upper part of the first sheet. It's hard for him to take, not because this is another bad grade, not because he sacrificed a whole night for that assignment either, but because his grandma promised him that she wouldn't sing in the morning for a week if he had more than a B. What said the teacher about pure goodness still remains in the corner of his head. Is it true that there is always a motive behind goodness? Maybe. But then, by that logic, is there always a motive behind evil? 

It is 10 am when the break finally comes. Morian packs his things up and put them in his backpack while many other seats can be seen empty, some still showing a sweaty line in the middle. This is the price of sitting for two long hours without moving. He glances at his assignment lying on the corner of his desk, viciously taunting him. A staring dual starts between him and the paper, enjoying the power it possesses. Meanwhile, the teacher closes the open windows, letting a last fine breeze entering the class. The paper decides to do one last sneaky trick to spoil Morian's day once more. While maintaining contact, it slowly gets outside of the desk surface until no staring can be possible anymore. Unimpressed, Morian looks under the table to see how his opponent is doing on the ground, only to see two large feet with black shoes under the desk. He then looks up, higher, higher and higher until he sees the face of his friend Krishna, looking down on him. The young boy leaves his chair and stands up only to admire her broad shoulders. He looks up a bit more to see her eyes looking down on something lower. He proceeds to look down and sees her hands holding the sheet with a thumb hiding the C- that he seems to see through her skin. No thumb can erase that failed grade. He still takes it and puts it in his backpack between a couple of random sheets. 

- "You two should better go and enjoy your break until your next class, I am closing the classroom". 

His keychain, dripping down his left hand, makes a rattling sound as he shakes it to show impatience. He also enjoys seeing the basketball ball he added to the keychain bounce as if he was dribbling. The two friends leave the room with no pressure as the teacher sighs and mutters something about a cup of black coffee. Left in the hallway, they walk slowly, aimlessly, wandering like drunk people who have just left the pub and danced all night until 10 am. No wonder they don't have any more friends. The hall is already empty, everyone is enjoying their break outside. The tall black-haired girl gives him a soft elbow touch which makes him look down at the phone she was leaning towards him. There is a picture of a frame. The frame contains a bunch of white and yellow flowers with some of them nailed in the middle by small black nails and all of it surrounded by black glitter. Morian takes some time, admiring the composition and layout of her new creation. She slowly pushes her phone into his small hands and then looks towards her, fixing a invisible moving point. Without a word, the boy understands she wants him to look at it and comment her new work without any context or influence. He slows down the walking pace in order to notice the smallest details, now letting a small ant winning the race that had unnoticeably been taking place for at least 20 seconds.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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