Chapter 1.1

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"Dear friend, 

Today, I have received a very strange letter. I wasn't really expecting anything, neither did anyone. We gathered up in the middle of the kitchen on the small table no one even uses because we all eat on the sofa or on the bed. There, we read the letter aloud. This letter was neither romantic, neither funny and neither menacing. I wouldn't say it was truly friendly either as it seemed like reading some prevision. At the beginning, we thought it was a letter coming from those idiots who believe an extraterrestrial invasion happened around 16 years ago. It then conquered the world, kidnapped and killed people and then erased the memory of everyone, as well as every possible evidence like books, videos, news... But something that made us read more was that it was written for someone. As if this person was warning one of us of something unfortunate coming. Something we noticed was that the colour of the paper was not white but beige and brown. I was the first to smell it, I felt kind of judged by the others but they then followed my lead. I am not the type to be gullible, I know the trick of impregnating some coffee into the paper to make it seem old, I saw it in a video. But it actually had no strong coffee smell, except the smell of an old grandma's cologne mixed with burnt bread. To be honest, it was 7.20 am when we gathered up. We were already awake because of the tempest. Plus, we were actually bored, watching cartoons on the tactile wall. Talking about that, we need to call an electronician to repair it. It isn't as performant as it used to be at the beginning of the year. But this costs quite a lot and none of us want to spare and use our own money to call these electronicians. As they are all engaged by the same business, which owns the right of the electronic wall "Tecwall", they get to set the price...  Anyway, this is the reason we all gathered up to read the suspicious brown paper. I think this is the first real letter we have actually received since I live here or even that I have ever read, except during the history class where we got to analyse an old letter coming from the teacher's grandparents they had kept all their life. This was really beautiful as this was a love letter from the grandpa to the grandma when they were still students and studying in different countries. If I remember well, the man was in France and the woman was in Romania. It contained a beautiful poem but also some flirt at the end of the letter but I prefer not to talk about it, that was really cheesy. By seeing a true letter, we kinda got curious about this old way of sharing things, shared now. Apart from the smell, the fact the communication was made through a letter was another signal against the freaks, they usually send messages but never letters. After a small debate to know whether we should throw the paper out or not, we eventually kept it and read everything without uttering another word. We didn't even make a noise except when my hand was itching, I had no other choice. 

The letter was long of one page, not even entirely used. I don't know if this is self-centered of me to feel like this but I think this was for me, even though no one signed it and no name was mentioned throughout the letter. The writer was however using a direct form of speech, I learnt it in class. It felt like a narration, a warning, a discussion and some kind of reassurance (I think?).  I will maybe write down a passage that I find interesting, so that I can put it back on the kitchen's table and not raise suspicion (I do not want them to believe I am moved or anything):

'Some years have elapsed, how lonely you must have felt. You should keep in mind that some people will someday be able to understand you. Let me be more precise: many won't, some will be trying but were not meant to understand, others will just not want to understand you. I can tell you that you are, at the moment, not surrounded by people capable of truly understanding you. Your identity will someday reveal to yourself. You still aren't aware of what you are capable of. Once you'll realise you have to learn everything about yourself, once again, promise yourself the day you receive the letter that you will not give up or choose the easy way. The easy way usually leads to the path where you leave your true nature, the path where you follow someone else's path. You have the right to feel alone as you unfortunately are but keep an eye open for the one who will fulfill this void. And if you are lucky, the ones.'

After typing it here, I now feel like it is very clichéd. Is this actually some kind of spiritual speech or horoscope reading? I honestly really don't like these people who say they can read a part of our past or future through our palms or through a sphere. I am not a believer. Or maybe saying that is lying as I believe in my actions and results. This is beginning to annoy me... Why do I feel like, out of us, I was the one concerned when these feel at the same time so impersonal. They could actually be said to anyone in need, feeling alone or even feeling desperate. I do not feel like I am desperate. I am living a good life, with good friends, good food (I love cooking, it always tastes better when I do it), good health (I have also started running during the morning with Luke on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday) and potentially acceptable grades. Why would I feel concerned by this ridiculous letter? 

I am not very patient, now that I think of it. I would like to know who sent the letter to whom or even why! The more I think about it, the more irritated I get. So, I guess, let's play along and listen to what the letter says as if I was supposed to receive it... That's a bit embarrassing but 

I'll promise not to give up and choose the easy way, ever."

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