5. Kyle

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Two weeks later, and  another letter spelling more rejection, Mandy treated herself and Dylan to a day out. They went to the zoo, and leaving behind the stroller, she let him run a few steps ahead of her the whole day. By mid afternoon he was pooped, and after walking around with her heavy son curled up in her arms she called it a day. They went back to the apartment, where she got an excited phone call from an old college friend, Holly. She was getting married to her district attorney beau, and was calling everyone she knew. She listened as she gushed about the lavish wedding they’d planned, that was to take place in Hawaii. The day they’d just had suddenly faded away, and she was left clutching the throne,  trying desperately to be positive and congratulate her friend.  She looked over at her son laid on the rug, covered in his favourite blanket, and after she politely ended the phone call, she wept. Not for the fact she had fallen pregnant, but for all the things she knew she’d never be able to give Dylan. For all the work she did and was now for nothing. For all the doors that kept slamming in her face.

As she picked at her dinner, Dylan scoffing down the spaghetti and meatballs like his life depended on it, she received another phone call. Seriously considering disconnecting the phone, she checked the caller ID. It was just Affie.

‘Hey sweetie’ she put on a smile, hoping it transferred to her voice. ‘How is the little B and B?’

Kian had sprung a last minute romantic weekend away on her friend. Mandy was sure he was ready to pop the question and was eager to hear details of their special moment.

‘It’s perfect she said. But that’s not why I’m calling. Sweetie….I think we found the tattoo guy.’

Affie and Kian returned home early, Kian respecting the significance of what he and Affie had found out while visiting Water Mill, he drove them straight home. After a quick peck goodbye, Affie threw her bags down on the rug and embraced her friend.

‘I just know it’s him’ Affie paced the room, as Mandy sat, numb in the beige suede arm chair. She looked over at the closed door, where Dylan slept soundly. ‘He’s the image of Dylan. Dark hair, those really dark eyes and I just get this feeling like I know him?’

‘What do you mean’ Mandy came out of her thoughts and looked at Affie who nervously bit the inside of her cheek.

‘Well I just feel like maybe I saw him there that night. He didn’t look like everybody else there’

‘What do you mean? What’s wrong with him?’

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