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Hey! Decided to try something sorta new, and I thought Chameleon would be a cool character to write a winglet for. Please comment below if you like this idea or if you want me to do another character. I love hearing from you :) Anyway, here we go!

Chameleon had always been different from the other RainWings. Typically in a bad mood, if you bothered to talk to him you'd know exactly why.

He'd hatched with an inability to change the color of his scales because of a snout deformity that caused him to only be able to sleep for about an hour at a time.

As a RainWing, this was... problematic. The tribe valued suntime and refused to look at Chameleon in any other way apart from creepy.

During the few hours of sleep he did get, Chameleon often had dreams of proving himself to his unseeing tribe. They didn't see him as who he was. 

They refused to see him as he was.

And one day, he would show them. 


As a very peaceful tribe, it was rare that the queen called you specifically to meet with her in her treehouse. 

Chameleon seemed to fall into that lucky group of rare dragons.

He'd been sent from the healers hut, where once again they'd tried to figure him out. Or so they told him. Every time he walked into an area, it seemed to clear out immediately. Maybe it was just a way for RainWings to get him out of the way, sending him to the healer's hut. The healers had eventually gone on break and fell asleep. With nothing else to do, Chameleon had stared at their sleeping forms until they woke up. When they did, he could hear their not-so-quiet whispers.



"...weirdest dragon I've ever met..."

Eventually, a messenger from the queen had called him, saving him from one awkward situation and throwing him into another.

As he waited outside, Chameleon heard the conversation going on inside. 

"Send him in."

Handsome came out and beckoned for him to come in. Chameleon walked forward, to where Queen Fruit Bat was lounging on the throne while twirling a flower between her claws.

"Look, I have no time," she said. Chameleon rolled his eyes. Dizzy idiot. He held many titles in his tribe, one of which being "Only RainWing to think badly of his queens." Not that he cared.

"Anyway," Fruit Bat said. "I'm going to have to banish you from the rainforest."

"What?!" Chameleon echoed, in a genuinely shocked voice. He knew he wasn't exactly loved... or liked... in fact he was hated... but... why would they go as far as banishing him? 

Is it my scales? Do they hate me? Or did I do something wrong?

"I would have rather let Grandeur deal with this, but it's not her month yet. So if you were looking for a speech ---"

"Why?" Chameleon demanded, covering up every other emotion with pure anger. "Why are you banishing me?"

"Because you're weird," Fruit Bat said flatly. 

"I might be different, but I'm not deadly."

Fruit Bat shrugged. "Look, everybody wanted it, and I'm not one to just displease everybody like that."

"What kind of a queen are you?" Chameleon roared.

Dead silence.

Chameleon saw the queen's wing twitch.

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