[14] The Unit's Explanation

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"I'm back so feel free to fill me in" Sora excitedly waits for her team to explained their founding for the 2 days she had missed work. Unfortunately, they haven't got much from where the started but fortunately they had a number of witnesses whom were willing to give them time and work with them in finding the suspects. Motome Shohei walked in and gave her a cup of tea before revealing the evidence they had find. He nudges Iki to open the files on her computer so that everyone in the same unit are looking at the same thing.

"This is our best lead so far. This CCTV clip from a mall in Nakano area revealed their tattoos." She clicked ENTER on her computer and it revealed two masked man with their hoodies down, revealing the Dreamcatcher tattoo in which her friends had mentioned before. "We've got ourselves researching at Nakano because one of our witness, Isomura Hayato, a 23 year old chef, went to a short holiday trip to one of the cafe they have there and noticed that he's not alone. He cancelled the trip and immediately went to us to give us the info." Juro added on her words.

"Immediately after he came, Mizushima Hoshiko, a 23 year old lawyer, came rushing in, trembling with a letter in her hand." Tsubasa nudges Iki to show Sora the clip of her interview with their unit leader, Shohei.

"You can start explaining to me now Mizushima san." He started to speak after handing her a cup of tea. "R-right. I was going back home and before entering, I took the letters from the postbox as usual. After I changed, only then I noticed one weird letter. It has their logo Motome san. The Nightmare logo in which they have it on their jacket. I don't know why they are targeting me as the person to rely on their message. They have done it before. They gave my father a letter and that time, I wasn't home yet. I was in shock then I went straight to my friend, Yuki's house." Hoshiko tries explaining as detailed as she can.

"Yes we were informed about the first letter." Motome nodded, showing that he's listening to every word she say, attentively. "This second letter warned me to not go to anybody's house otherwise, they'll hurt them. That's why I decide to come here to tell Yuki, Sora and your team. The similarities of the first and second letter was not hard to decipher. They both contains coordinates but the second letter had a cryptic crossword puzzle attached with it. I think they want us in their trap. They're playing with us." She gritted her teeth with anger before she continues on. "Besides that, I have a feeling from time to time that I've been watched so you can probably check the CCTV at my firm to confirm my suspicion. That's all I can tell you chief. I hope I can help in a way or two."

The clip ended there and Sora was furious. The Nightmare gang played with them as if they were chess pieces entertaining their chess game. "I've contacted Yoshizawa Ryo, a 23 year old Chief Operations Officer (COO) at Utopia Design. He got himself an invitation to go to the club which is now currently called Hades Nightclub. The club does well although the owner kept changing from time to time so it is known by many name but the name Hades is the longest by far. It has been Hades Nightclub for the past 5 years now." Yuki stated.

"They've been securing their CCTV real tight. Every 4 hours, they will change the password and the bodyguards there will take shifts as well. The funny thing is, I often see them bringing big boxes to the back and every time I wanted to download the file, the video changed into some where else's CCTV. I tried multiple times but it still doesn't want to cooperate with me." Iki had black eye bags which shows how much effort she takes to copy and download the clip in which she failed every single time.

"We'll do Ryo's plan for good tonight. Yamada san and me will head in first. I've pulled a couple of strings to get us in. You and Ryo will follow after us and head to one of the private rooms. Have fun and get us some connections, Hayama san. Nakano san and Zayasu san will wait outside, observe the people going there, in and out. Iki, take care of our hidden camera and make sure nothing funny goes off the CCTV or alarm. We'll proceed tonight so I hope everyone keeps their eyes awake. If anything goes wrong, retrieve from the plan. I don't want any one action from tonight. I've already warned Yoshizawa san about the danger and he agreed as long as Hayama san will be going inside with him." Motome explained clearly to them especially for Sora to understand.

"Will they be seeing our faces then?" She asked and Juro shakes his head. "They have this annual thing where they wear masks like a ball thing. This event is the highlight of the year for them so loads of informative people will go there tonight. I bet this is a no deal for our silver-tongued Hayama Sora to handle. Make us proud, Hayama san."

She smiles before nodding at him in reply. "Hayama san, I suggest you should head over to Utopia Design with Yamada san for lunch. You can tell Yoshizawa san to proceed and discuss about what to wear upon going there." The two nodded at their chief's statement.

Lunch came and they were already waiting at lobby of Utopia Design. The interior designs speaks for itself as both Sora and Yuki are in awe. They felt like they just stepped into a fantasy world. They went to the receptionist and Sora spoke to her "I'm Hayama Sora and this is Yamada Yuki. We're officers from Shinjuku Police Station and we wanted to see Mr. Yoshizawa and Ms. Tsurimi. We were mentioned that they wanted to see us this afternoon."

"Hayama san. Yes, yes both our Director and Co-Director had mentioned you and Yamada san before. Please, follow me to the elevator." The receptionist guide them to the elevator and pressed the button labeled as the 6th floor. "They will be waiting upstairs for you two." The both of them thanked the receptionist and she replied with a slight wink at Yuki. Sora was about to laugh but she held it in making her face red. Yuki was clueless as he smiled brightly at the receptionist. Once the doors of the elevator was closed, Sora laughs while looking at him. "She's so nice." Yuki stated but seeing Sora laugh make him confused. "She was flirting with you, you dumbass." She spoke in between her laughs.

"Really?" He asked and Sora nods in reply. "I should flirt back just now. Well, too late for that now." He smiled innocently and looked at Sora who stopped laughing. "Yeah do that and you'll meet hell before you even die."

"Aww, is my girlfriend jealous~" He teased her and the door of the elevator opens. "Enough, Yuki. Let's go." They went inside the big room and saw both of their friend inside. Yuki was still chuckling while Sora greeted the two.

"Did something funny happen?" Echiko, the CEO of Utopia Design asked Yuki with a smile on her face. Yuki shakes his head and looks at Sora who was busy talking to Ryo.

"So, you agreed?" Ryo asked to Sora as she nods. "One problem though, I don't have a dress." She sips on her tea and that's when Echiko joined it by revealing a bag. "I've settled that issue. Don't worry, I picked the shortest heel I can find." Sora raised one of her eyebrows and she took out what's inside. There's a pair of clear heels, a set of jewelry and a short blue dress. She gulped and before she could say anything, Yuki snatched the dress from her hand.

"Echiko chan, don't you think this dress is too short? Plus, these type of heels are not that comfortable. She can't wear earrings, she had never done any type of piercing before." Hearing Yuki complained made Ryo massages his forehead, Sora shocked while Echiko tries to explain.

"Yuki kun, the dress is just above the knee. It's not too short, I've checked myself. These heels are the most comfortable out of all the ones I've picked before. This earrings is the clip on ones so even if she doesn't have any piercing, she can still wear it." Yuki was about to continue his complain when Sora spoke. "Well, would you look at the time. Thank you so much for this Chiko chan. I'll make my co workers helped me getting dressed tonight. We have got to keep going now."

She puts all of it back inside the bag and nudges for Yuki to leave as well. Yuki frowned but he followed her anyway. "I have never seen that side of Yuki in a while." Echiko chuckles, looking at her fiance. "Well, I guess I have to deal with that side of him tonight. Thanks to Sora for not dressing up often, he can be very protective of her when it comes to her looking dressed up."

"Good luck Ryo. I'm rooting on you." His fiancee teased him as he pretend to look tired and regret his decision to help the officers.

In the elevator, Sora broke the silence. "Why would you say that? Chiko chan already helped me a lot by picking out what to wear for me." Yuki pouted before saying "Yeah but you're dressing up for Ryo instead of me. Why not you just wear a suit or something else."

"It'll be weird if I wear a suit alongside Ryo. It's just for an hour or two, then I'll change back." She tried to persuades her boyfriend to agree but he wouldn't budge. Tonight is going to be a long night for all of them.

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