Take me Back, Take me Back

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Author note: I forgot how to write marvel characters UH- sorry I fell down into some other fandoms. Pleas request some ideas!

[ Content warnings: trauma involving death, death of a character, hallucinations, blood, this is an angst chapter I'm so sorry this is very sad ]


The whole world missed Tony Stark.

It would be selfish to say that Stephen was the only one who missed having the mechanic around. The misery of never being able to tell Tony how he felt; or even be able to save him as a friend, however, was taking a deep toll on him mentally.

He has still been keeping up with his normal duties along with Wong, and even started training Peter in magic, since Tony was no longer around to protect him. Peter would try to avoid the topic of Tony; knowing that it was a sensitive one for them both. Sometimes though, things just manage to slip out.

Today Peter mentioned that everywhere around him, he sees monuments, posters, and even fan-pages online mourning one of Earth's mightiest heroes. It was starting to get to him; feeling like he saw Tony everywhere but could never actually see him.

Stephen just offered him a small yet comforting hug, and told Peter how proud Tony would be of him for keeping up with school and his Spider-Man work even while mourning a loss. The kid was almost going off to college, and had a lot on his plate. Peter let out a small cry, which Stephen encouraged. Men were usually told to mask their feelings and emotions, which he didn't believe in at all.

Peter left the sanctum not long after, letting the Large door shut from behind. A gust of wind blew his cape; and there he stood in the silence.

Oh, how he hated it. He wished that the mechanic would just drop by. One more time, just long enough to where he could say something.

Tony did drop by. Not in the way he wanted, however.

Stephen was lonely. Stephen was mourning. Stephen was trying to ignore these feelings, and somehow it created him.

An evil hallucination of Tony, that tormented him day and night.

"Stephennnn." The hallucination whispered.

"Leave me alone," Stephen chocked out, already about to burst into tears. He felt his knees shaking and going weak. He was a doctor that studied the brain a lot at one point. Why couldn't he just make this all go away? He tried to imagine himself as his own patient, but it didn't work.

"You can't run away from the truth, Stephen." It whispered. A black and red foggy silhouette image of Tony appeared in the mirror. Stephen backed away.

"You're one to talk about real. You're not Tony." Stephen spoke back.

"What's real is the pain I suffered. Does this look like a happy ending to you, Stephen?"

"I...I did everything I could, Tony. If...If I had the time stone I would go back and do it all again, I'd die in your place, so please..." Stephen felt tears roll down his cheeks as he collapsed onto his knees on the floor and felt his scarred hands trembling.

"You had your chance. Now look at me. A pool of blood, only to be buried in the ground."

Blood started spilling out from the mirror, flowing along Stephen and circling him. The ceiling above him creaked, and began dripping blood onto his hands, like the murderer the hallucination was making him out to be.

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