Special Chapter :Old chateau

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"Barry why are we in eterna forest?"Lucas asked
"We are checking out the old chateau"Barry said to his best friend
"But im scared of ghost....And you know that!"

Barry:"Come on it's gonna be alright.Ghost don't exist other than ghost type pokemons"

Lucas:" Ghost type pokemon are a bit creepy as well.."

Barry:" It's gonna be fine"

Lucas :"But Barry-"

Barry:"Look we're here already!"

Barry practically drags Lucas in there

Lucas :"Barry let me go"

Suddenly the lights goes off.After a few seconds the light's goes on again.

Lucas looks to the Right side where Barry was standing,but he didn't saw Barry there.

Lucas :" Barry-"



Barry: *Giggles*

Lucas:"Barry that's not funny!"

Barry looks at Lucas and saw tears forming in his eyes

Barry:"Hey I'm sorry don't cry"

Barry takes Lucas's hat and ruffled Lucas's hair.

Suddenly the floor started shaking and it fell apart.They fell into a room.Barry holds Lucas's hand.

Barry:"Lucas did you see that?"

Lucas:"See what?"


Lucas looks at the direction that Barry is looking at and saw a little girl.Barry noticed Lucas has tightened his grip on his hand.Barry looks at Lucas and saw him trembling from fear. the little girl started giggling and the furniture in the room started moving itself.

A chair was quickly shifting towards them.Luckly they dodge it.The little girl stopped giggling and started walking towards them.Suddenly an old man grabs the little girl and said "Sorry if she caused trouble".Then they vanished.Barry looks at Lucas and saw tears rolling down his cheeks.Barry wipes off the tears and said "It's okay now they're gone,we're safe.Now let's get out of here okay?"

Lucas nods.They opened the door at the back of the room and walked in.The door leads outside.

Barry :"i told you we're gonna be fine!"

Lucas:"We almost got taken away by that ghost girl!"

Barry:"Doesn't matter!Come on,lets go home okay?"

Good thing i sometimes checks my books.Typos and lost words are everywhere.

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