Chapter 1 Depression

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The night was a sorry one. It was raining hard and the rain pounded on the windows of Gelatin's Steakhouse that was shared with Flower's Fashion Store.

All contestants were on break as either they were done with their respective shows or they were on break between challenges and could relax for the time being.

The EXIT contestants were finally released and free from Four. Everyone was all in the restaurant as they ate their dinners, hung out at the bar drinking root beer, shopping for sweaters, or just hiding out from the rain.


It seemed to be another uneventful night.

That was until HE showed up.


He was in really bad shape. He had red, swollen eyes, rain dripped off of him, he sniffled and sneezed from the cold, he shivered and shook, and he was not in the mood for anything or anyone.

Many of the contestants looked over and saw Woody in his sorry state. Some of them were confused, some were surprised, some were concerned, and some were amused and thought it was funny.

Though, those objects who thought it was funny were quickly silenced by Bell, Taco, and Fanny, as they were NOT amused.

Woody walked over to the bar and sat down. His head bent over and looked down at the counter with a defeated and sorrowful look. Four, X, and Two along with the Announcer and Purple Face looked over and saw Woody in his horrible state.

They were stunned.

"Hey, Woody, what's wrong?", asked X. "Hey, kid, what's eating you?", Two then asked. "Are you alright, Woody?", asked Four.

Woody was not in the mood to answer but he didn't want to be rude, so he looked over and shook his head before looking back down. Gelatin, the bartender, approached him.

"Woody, what is wrong? Are you alright, buddy?", he asked.

Woody sighed and replied in his jumbled speech, "I am fine but I want to be alone right now."

Gelatin nodded. "Can I get you anything in the meantime?", he asked.

Woody nodded. "Yes, some ice cream, please.", he replied. "Coming right up.", he said as he left.

Now, Woody was alone again.

The other contestants occasionally looked at Woody then went back to their businesses, almost like in a cycle.

"Have you seen Woody? He looks sad.", said Pin.

"Is there something wrong with Woody?", asked Ruby.

"What's up with Woody?", asked Pen. Eraser shrugged.

Soon, all of the contestants were whispering amongst themselves and making comments about Woody and his well-being.

What was going on with Woody?


Soon, Gelatin arrived with Woody's ice cream. "Here you go, Woody, enjoy!", he said, as he walked away to serve the hosts.

Woody began to wolf down the ice cream and stuffed it into his mouth. Table manners were not in the picture.

Gelatin saw Woody eat so rapidly that he went towards Woody after taking Announcer's order.

"Do you want more?", asked Gelatin. "Yeah.", Woody replied.

Gelatin got more and brought it to Woody.

Woody ate it as fast as before.

Soon, it became a cycle: Gelatin would bring more ice cream, Woody would devour it, Gelatin would bring more ice cream, and Woody would devour it.

Soon, Woody received an ice cream headache and fell unconscious.

The nightmare had begun...

Woody and Blocky (A BFDI/BFDIA/BFB/TPOT Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now