The Undying Soldier's Reincarnation

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It was raining very hard, and the darkness told it was night, but not even a single droplet of water fell down to the ground.

The world was void of movement. In other words, void of sound.

A single drop of miniscule water separated from the clouds above.

It slowly fell down in a straight line downwards, plummeting at the speed of 7 meters per second.

(A/n: It's 16 mph)

It continued to fall down without any disturbances or any hindrance for 11-10km.

That droplet was the only moving thing in the world right now.

That droplet finally reached the height of a building and continued to fall down and hit a woman's cheek.

The world resumed to moving again.

The woman that the droplet hit, lay down on an empty road.

She had her left leg twisted, her ulna growing out of her right elbow. 4 ribs broken at the left, 2 at the right. Possibly already poking at her lungs or heart.

She lay there motionless, no screaming nor any grunts could be heard from the woman.

Yet, she still breathes. Her heart beating loudly for anyone close enough to hear.

It was admirable, she felt immense pain yet didn't show any discomfort.

It was surprising she was capable of breathing even though the current state of her body wouldn't let anyone "normal" still alive.

Her eyes flickered between dead and alive, bordering both aspects.

It also showed sadness, anger, disappointment and the strongest of all, fear.

Fear that makes her think of her death, fear that makes her wonder of the unknown.

Fear that stopped her from feeling the pain she should have.

Fear that kept her alive for hours upon her supposed death.

If one were to look closely, they would find a faint but powerful longing in her eyes.

The gleam in her eyes were weaking, the fear was diminishing.

But instead, it was replaced with a dark lifeless look of anger and longing.

Longing for death, longing to survive, longing for someone to help him in the cold, drenched by rain, empty street.

She was just walking down the street when suddenly a truck frickin swivelled over to the sidewalk and ran after her.

Of course, she was shocked. But she wasn't an idiot. She ran and went inside a narrow alley where the truck couldn't reach her.

Unfortunately for him, he encountered some thugs that were low on money. They asked her for her money. She did comply and give them all the money she currently has on her.

Another problem arises. The wallet that hanged by a thin chain on her jacket was broken and left behind when she ran after her life.

The thugs beat her up and she put up a resistance. She won the exchange of pain, although with a knife stuck in between her ribs, a broken pinkie, and sprained foot with cuts all over her body.


She fell down on her knees coughing up blood as she gasped in ragged breathes with a stupid smile. "How foolish am I?" she asked herself.

The Undying SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now