Alphonso Icebern

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The soldier in blue quickly rid of her mind of thoughts and found a sword. She brandished it towards the approaching soldier while he still had his arms raised.


The colour of red stained the ground below as the soldier in blue quickly stabbed the sword in the waistline and lied down, placing the dead body over his.

She made it look that they were both dead by lying on the pool of blood. She did this in order to confuse his enemies into not attacking him, mistaking him for a corpse long dead.

Now that she had everything prepared, she played dead. She now began to rummage through the body's memories.

The previous owner was named as Aurea Rayford. She lived a normal life according to the world standards, all until a neighbouring kingdom called Monschein had declared war to the Kingdom where she lived; Morgen

The world, according to the body's memories, is a fantasy world filled with knights and magic, beasts, and Dragons only the mighty can slay.

Rummaging deeper she had found that Aurea Rayford had always aspired to be a knight that protects a soldier in times of war and other threats. Females in this world, like any other world regard females as inferior to men, so she couldn't chase her dreams.

So Aurea Rayford disguised as a male and was drafted as a foot soldier and sent to the front lines. She even prepared a voice changer for this.

This was the first battle Aurea had fought. She planed to rise in ranks through achievements and finally, find a good lord to serve in order to become an official knight.

Unfortunately for her, she died while engaging the enemies. She died due to a sword stabbing the heart. A tragic life of a woman who chased dreams that couldn't be reached.

"I am sorry for you that you couldn't achieve your dreams. As the one that inherited your body, I respect your wishes and will fulfill your wish. I am now Aurea Rayford." She pledged in her mind.

She breathed quitely in and out to not alarm his enemies. She started to calm and prepare her mind for what was about to happen

She quickly recalled her memories on how to use a sword correctly and stood up. "It's time to stop pretending and rack up achievements." Aurea smiled.

She pushed the dead body behind and stood up, pulling the sword from the corpse as her enemies freeze in shock.

She quickly swiped at the nearest enemy, drawing blood. She took of the advantage while the enemies still had shock from his supposed "resurrection from the dead".

She side stepped to the right bringing his left foot forward, putting all his weight the sword's tip as he held it up his head.

She slammed the sword down; the sword ripped the armour apart and spurted blood. She looked to her left as her eyes took a red hue, adding to the intimidation.

She walked and on the fourth step he ran. She made sure to make the maximum amount of noise with his armour to create the illusion that she was an unstoppable juggernaut.

The enemy soldiers woke up from their daze and brought their swords up to defend. Aurea put her right foot forward and using her momentum from running and the additional weight her armour gave, and swiped her sword left to right.

Her move caused the opposing soldier's sword to get knocked out of his hand as Aurea did another slash at him.

Blood flowed out like a fountain as Aurea bathed in it. This gave the enemy soldiers to have magnified fear towards Aurea as she looked like a demon bathing in blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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