she is gifted?

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-taylors pov- 

"Mrs. Alwyn I wanted to ask you something regarding Elliana. I have some.... concerns." she says, and I get my heart in my throat. Is something wrong? 

"Is there something wrong?" I ask her hesitantly, but I try to sound confident and calm even though I'm starting to panic inside. 

"it's nothing wrong. But I am concerned about the advanced book she is reading combined with her incredible vocabulary. Have you and your husband ever had her tested? Have anyone ever brought it up with you?" she asks, and I get confused. 

"Tested for what?" I ask her. 

"A IQ test by someone that specialize is gifted children. I suspect that Elliana is gifted and if you would consider having her tested it could open doors for her to get work at her intellectual level. It was easy to see during the school day that she is way beyond her age in terms of skills" I am surprised by her remarks because I haven't even considered that she could be gifted in some way. 

"I need to talk to my husband of course, but I think he will agree with me that we are open to have her tested If it can help her" I know that joe will agree with me on this. We only want the best for our daughter and if she needs more challenges of course we want her to have that. 

"How about the person that drops her off tomorrow let me know about your decision and then of you would allow her to be tested I will request it from the coordinator for gifted children at our school. We don't have many children that fall under this category, but we have some and the school is determined to help these children reach their full potential" 

I agree to her suggestion and then I leave with Ellie still thinking about what she said. Could it really be that the reason Ellie is so smart is because she is gifted? We just through she was a bright child that liked challenges. But when I think about it more there has been signs all along, especially during the last two years. 

"How was school Ellie" I ask her while we drive, and she sighs "it was boring. You said I was going to learn thing, but I didn't. We had to play a lot and I didn't want to do that, so I played a little but then I went to read my book in the corner because it was exhausting" she says, and I feel bad for her. Have we been ignoring these signs all this time? 

"i'm sorry to hear its boring. Hopefully it will get better. I'm glad you played a little bit with the other kids. Where they nice?" I continue to ask her questions. 

"They were nice. But in class we had to say our favorite word out loud, and I have so many favorite words, so I just said one of them. But then one of the kids laughed and another said it wasn't a word, but it was. He was the one that said a word that wasn't a real word" she seems genuinely annoyed by this. and I'm really sad that another kid laughed at her, that's not okay. 

"it's not okay to laugh at other children's words. That's mean. I hope the teacher said something, that it wasn't okay. What word did you use?" I don't want to ask too many questions because she seems deflated. 

"She said that wasn't okay and that made me a bit better. He has to apologize. I said enfranchise because I like that word. Another kid said that I don't even know what that word means if it even is a real word, but I know what it meant because I read about it in my book" she is almost in tears and that breaks my heart. 

"oh darling, I'm sorry that the other kids said that stuff. It's not okay. Enfranchise is a really good word, I like it too" I tell her. 

"I didn't even get to explain the word when I really wanted to. i like words" she says with a quiet sob and that almost brings tears to my eyes too "do you want to tell me what It means, I'm always here to listen to you Ellie" 

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