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** monday february 1st*

-Taylors Pov- 

This morning I do not feel good at all, and I've already thrown up. It's from the intense nerves of the trial that starts today. I don't want to go, I don't want to go up there and tell my story, but I know I don't have a choice. If I want my family to be safe, I need to gather myself and use my voice to get some justice. 

There is no verdict that could really give us back what he took from us, but at least we might get a sense of closure and can start healing in a different way because we would know that it's over. A verdict will put an end to the constant wondering if and when he will get out, it will give us a sense of clarity. 

Joe family has come over for the trial, and my dad has flown in from Tampa too, and Selena has flown in from LA. Everyone is here to support us and that means the world to me. 

we don't need to be there until after lunch as they are just doing the opening statements and Adams testimony this morning. The good thing about this as opposed to the sexual assault trial is that the prosecution is leading this, and Ellie and I are just victims in this whole mess. Our lawyer and his team are there already, and joe is there too. I just can't deal with being in the same room as Adam if I don't have to. Not before my testimony because if I look at him, he will get in my head, and I can't let that happen. 

"it's going to be okay Taylor, you're a badass" Selena says and hold my hair back as I wash the puke out of my mouth. "I just hope it goes our way. I don't know what to do if it doesn't. Not just for me, more for her, she is six years old and shouldn't have to be scared for the rest of her life that he is coming back to harm her. She is six years old for god's sake" 

I get dressed in a nice blouse, pants and a blazer. The blouse is white, but the rest of the outfit is black. My hair is pulled back into a ponytail and I'm only wear light makeup. I don't want to sit there and look like a supermodel, I want to look like a human being, but of course I need to look professional. The jury like that you're dressed appropriately and it's also a respect thing for the court. 

Selena, abigail, my mom, my brother and Patrick is going with me to court while my dad, joe's dad and joe's mom is staying with the kids at home. Joes other brother, tom was also supposed to fly over but last minute their kids got the flu so obviously they needed to stay home. Ellie isn't going today; she is testifying tomorrow. 

We get there and go to the underground parking because there are tons of fans and other people on the outside of the court and tons of media and paparazzi looking for an exclusive. Sadly, it's going to be an open trial so there will be press in there, I didn't want it but Adam for some reason insisted so we don't have a choice. We tried to file a motion, but the court sided with him. 

Selena holds my hand as we walk into the courtroom and i can feel everyone's eyes on me and I scan the room for joe, I need joe. He is in the front row that's reserved for me and my people, so I go and sit next to him while the others sit down there too. Joe takes my hand and whisper in my ear "I love you, you can do this" 

"Mrs. Taylor Alison Alwyn, are you ready to take the stand?" the judge calls out and I stand up "yes your honor" 

Making my way over to the witness box is nerve-wracking. Cameras are clicking and everyone's attention is on me. I stand at the chair "do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" the clerk swears me in "I do" I promise and sit down. 

Finally, I look out into the room properly and take in the people sitting there. There are a big jury, lots of cameras pointing at me, my people that are with me, the prosecution, Adams family and finally I lay eyes on him. He is sitting there next to his lawyer with a smug look on his face, but I can see behind his eyes, I know him, he Is staring me down daring me to not say a word. It's a look he has given me so many times, that no one is going to believe me. That he is going to ruin me if I speak my truth. But this time I can't back down, this is important, and I need to speak my truth, if not for me then for my daughter. 

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