Will You Call When You're Back At School?

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                              ~2 days ago~


With the feel of an engine slowly losing the bliss of its rumbling noises, I dreamily open my eyes and find us already parked in front of a two-storey white painted house that I have grown not to be foreign to. With white picket fences and lit up windows, I was easily reminded of the sight of our everyday home.

Gently rubbing my eyes, I compose myself once more and open the car door. After stepping out of the vehicle, I get my bag from the back and went inside of our house. heading straight to my room.

This summer have been kind of different since we stayed in Australia for the whole while of it. With my grandma passing and my grandpa still being at the hospital, my parents decided it's better if we spend our summer there. Specifically for 30 days.

We don't normally visit my grandma's place that often. I didn't even have the chance to fully feel her presence at all. Because, even when my parents want us to visit, we usually cancel it and pull out while doing so.

My dad is the only one who mainly visits my grandma. Even though he does, it's not as frequent as it should be. With family and work reigning over his time, he didn't try to go there that much.
He probably only got to visit Australia about three times during the last ten years, even as I count this trip. During those times, he didn't even bother to speak into detail about his stay.

Running my hand against the Chevy door. I press a mourn feel touch in its panel and trace my fingers across the wooden grip.

Even as I open the handle, I was instantly welcomed with the ecstasy of full knowingness and pure tranquility of being back home.

Slumping onto my bed, I reach for my phone and check what updates it has in store for me. Caught by the sight of the first text that came up, I was immediately blinded by the glimpse of reality that's about to forge in.

"Missed you so much. Phil said he saw a car parked in front of your house, which I assume is your parents'. Are you home yet? Can I come over?" texted Bre, which I can already paint her, hoping for us to meet since she's my supposed girlfriend.

I haven't really talked to her that much during our trip. It's not that I'm busy, but I just don't bother having a conversation with her most of the time.
Yeah, that totally makes me sound like a douchebag, and I'll definitely admit, I'm probably not boyfriend material either. But sometimes, I just don't feel the need to keep up with her.
And I'm pretty sure that even if we stay in touch, she'll only text me things that are full of inconvenience. Like sharing false gossip about other people. Yeah, apparently she likes bad-mouthing others, which I wish I had known even before meeting her.

She also doesn't know the meaning of personal space. And hell, I'm even pretty sure that she planned to come with me to Australia. Thankfully, she didn't, because I don't know if I can handle that. Especially not after she said, and I quote, "I can't handle a long distance relationship, Hogan. Can't you just stay?" Funny.

It's probably my fault for not cutting her off already. I mean....It's not like I haven't tried before, because I definitely have, once, but after I tried, she immediately consulted my dad about it. I literally even got scolded by him, for about an hour, for even trying to break things off with her, which I think is truly unnecessary.

I get that my dad likes Bre more than my other girlfriends, but at the same time, there's no need to defend her since she's nowhere near an angel, as my he perceives her to be.

Plus, her possessiveness is getting harder to deal with. Whenever I hang out with others, she won't stop prying me for not letting her come.
It's getting truly irritating, especially last year when she tried so hard for me to avoid Serge, which I don't get at all.

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