(3) Imagination?

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A Few weeks after last chapter
Lately I have been seeing.. not Ritchie? Or someone or something that looks like Ritchie. I don't know what to do cause I've see it at least once a day. I thinking about going to talk with Brandon about this cause ,I'm kinda getting scared now.
I was heading towards Brandon (and Ritchie's) office i began to feel a uncomfortable presence behind me so, I walk a bit faster. I'm then heard footsteps behind me and then I walked faster. I then heard something running almost sprinting behind, so I sprint al the way until I was at Brandon's office. I took a minute to catch my breath 'What the Fuck was that thing?!?" As soon as I stop panting and take a minute I knocked on The door.

POV: Narrator
"Come in!" Brandon yelled while still doing paperwork.
"Hey... I need to talk to you about something.." I said looking at the ground still panting a little bit.
"You..good?" Brandon asked concerns for the other cause of how much he was panting and, his eyes were looking everywhere.
"No.. lately for the last few weeks every since, I had a girls day out with flurry and some others. I keep seeing someone or.. something that has blue hair and it has.. I don't know if following is the right word but I just keep seeing this thing and it's really bothering me and I don't know what to do about it. Devin said at the end gasping for a bit of air while Brandon had a look of concern and confusion on his face, but after a few seconds then it went to a calm face .
"It could.... Sorry if this sounds rude .. but it could be your imagination." Brandon said looking at Devin while the other looked a bit confused.
"I know you miss Ritchie.. a lot.. so since you miss him it could probably be your imagination just playing with you and it shows pictures of him". 'Devin thought about that for a second, it could probably be that but he swears it was like someone that looks like Ritchie and it is following me.'
"We can talk about this later, unfortunately I have a meeting with the other guild leaders." Brandon said sighing hard at the end devin chuckled a bit. They both walked out of the room devin went to his house and took a nap, and Brandon went to the meeting but he didn't except on what they were going to talk about.
POV: I want you guys to guess who it is
"Oh my queen... don't worry as soon as we reunite once again..you don't have to feel pain and loneliness anymore... I'll love you for infinity.. you'll be a wife, a mother, and a beautiful Queen.
POV: Brandon
I was standing with all the other guild leaders.
"So.. why are we here?" I asked wanting to know why
Allumose (Yes I know he was captured in the actual role play but like I said some things won't match up to the actual role play)
"Well.. When I was walking around I felt an strong magical energy.. like... when the Demon King was here.Everything stop and we all looked at allumous.
"A-are you positive.. that's is the d-demon king" I said stuttering over my words. I don't want him back since he looks so much like my brother, Allumous nodded. I just looked at the ground with wide eyes saying to myself in my head. 'Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no' .
POV: I thing i you all know who this is
I've been thinking of a plan on how to get my Queen, and to rule over alantide. I just want to have my Queen right in my arms. With our children running around the palace. Holding each other hand, which our engagement rings. Him cuddling up against me, with my arms around his waist. I just Want him. I Need him. Don't worry my Queen soon we'll be together. I'm pretty sure the guild leaders might know of my presence already. Oh let the Games begin.
I'm sorry guys I haven't posted in a while I was doing testing at school and so stuff at home has happen. But I want to say thank you all for the support I really do appreciate it. And also give my some idea's to add to this story since I'm kinda of loosing some ideas to add on I would really love to hear your guys thoughts on the story so far. And thank you all again for the massive support on this story.
(791) Words

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