secret relationship (1)

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Wanda is still suffering grief for the loss of her brother Pietro, wanda is not going out in her room for more than a days. Everyone is getting worried about her. while the avengers are talking, natasha secretly goes to wanda's room. (Nat knocking)

Wanda, its me natasha will you pls open the door for me? (Nat softly asking wanda)

(Wanda opened the door)

Nat: hey wanda are you ok?(softly)
If you need someone to talk to im here for you...
(Nat simply sit beside wanda)
Nat: hey look at me wanda.(softly)
(Wanda crying looking at nat)

Nat: ohh come here wanda I'll give you a hug
(Both hugged)

Wanda: thank you tasha, thanks for being here for me it means a lot....(crying) after Pietro died my life got so miserable. I dont know what to do, i dont know where to find my self again....(sobbing)

Nat:shhhh its ok wanda im always here for you no matter what... always remember that (hugged)

Wanda: tasha, thank u i know ur tired too but still your here comforting me. Instead of wasting your time here with me u should've resting right now...
Nat: noo no, its okay seeing you talking back again makes me feel relieved wanda, and im not wasting my time here for you because your my rest wanda...(holds Wanda's hands)

Wanda: what are you talking about nat?
Nat: yes wanda, because you're my rest you're my home...
Wanda: wait... tasha noo... ( wanda stands)

Nat: why wanda?
Wanda: this isn't happening
Nat: it is wanda its true why aren't you believing me?
Wanda: no thats not what i mean nat... i was just shocked because i thought its over.
Nat: no wanda, i still love you
(Holds Wanda's face)

Nat: look at me wanda... its ok everything will going to be ok.
Wanda: what about them? The team what if they knew about this? About us
Nat: no... no one will know if no one will tell. Its ok wanda i got you...
( kisses Wanda's forehead)

Nat: wanda is it okay if we go out now? Everybody is worrying about you. So its gonna be good if they see u getting better.
(Wanda nods)

(Both going out from the room)

Tony: hey nat where have you been?

(Everyone sees wanda)

Steve: wanda???
Clint: wanda how are you??? We were so worried about you.
Thor: here wanda have a seat
Wanda: thank you thor..

Tony: nat what did you do?
Nat: why tony whats wrong?
(Tony chuckled)
Tony: look at her (points wanda) she looks good she looks better..
Nat: yeah yeah your right tony

Steve: what did you yell her nat? (Slightly laughs)
Nat: nothing steve. I just comforted her as we always should...

Bruce: hey everyone dinner is cooked, lets eat.
Tony: yes! Cmon guys lets goo

(Everyone is eating)

Thor: so wanda are you sure your good now??
Wanda: yes thor im getting better.... (secretly looking at nat) ( nat secretly smiling at wanda)

Clint: hey nat why are you smiling????
Nat: oh nothing... the food yeah the food is just so yummy!! Bruce your pasta is sooo good (taps Bruce's shoulder)

( everyone is about to sleep already)

Bruce: good night guys!

(Everybody is sleeping in their rooms)

(Nat slowly going into Wanda's room)

Nat: Wanda(whispered)

( nat opened the door)

Nat: hey wanda
Wanda: nat?!?!?! What are you doing here!? Omygod tasha( sights)
Nat: i just wanted talk to you wanda
Wanda: gosh nat weren't you scared earlier we almost got caught
Nat: but we didn't got caught right? HAHAHA( both laughing)
Wanda: tasha you really have to go in your room before someone will going to notice that your here.
Nat: okkk as you say so.. goodnight wanda( winks)

( nat slowly walking towards her room)

Clint: nat?!?? Is that you???
Nat: oh Clint your still awake?
Clint: yeah i had to get some water down about you where have you been? In this middle of the night your walking around here?
Nat: ohh i just had to go through the bathroom..(nervous)
Clint:but the bathroom is downstairs(confused)

(Nat getting nervous)

Clint: anyway never mind i gotta goo nat goodnight...

( nat sighs of relief)

Nat: that was scaryy hooo.....(sights)

(Later in the morning)

Scott:hello guys good morning!!
Steve: scott? Why are you here?
Scott: oh cmon cap is that even a question? This is an avenger tower so what are you expecting??
Steve: yeah you have a point
Scott: anyway peter will going to be here later
Tony: peter?? Well thats great!

(While eating breakfast)

Thor: where's wanda and nat??
Bruce: i thought they're already awake
Thor: no they're not

Clint: hey you know what guys i kinda feel something about them
Tony: who do you mean?
Clint: them nat and wanda
Steve: why?? Whats wrong clint?
Clint: last night i saw nat in the middle of the night going out into Wanda's room
Bruce: are you sure she's from Wanda's room?
Clint: yeah Wanda's room is the last room bruce
Scott: why what's with them?
Steve:oh cmon scott AHHAHA

( all of them quietly talking)

Thor: speaking of wanda she's here!
Wanda: hello guys good morning!
Scott: have some breakfast
Wanda: oh scott hello!! Where's nat?
Bruce: she's still sleeping i guess
Wanda: what? What time is it already
Clint: yeah she must be staying up late last night

(Wanda getting nervous)

Nat: hello guys sorry for waking up late
Thor: its alright nat go have some breakfast

(Everyone slightly laughing)

Nat: whats wrong guys?(confused)
Scott: noo nothing nat

Tony: oh guys i gotta go i have to be there in the stark industries. Bye
Thor: me too going too asgard bye guys see yah

(Bucky calling)
Steve: ohh me too guys bye

Scott: how about you clint, bruce aren't you going?
Bruce: im going later after lunch
Clint: me im staying here i gotta fix some of my arrows
Bruce: wanda, nat how about you guys??
Nat: im going later im seeing yelena my sister
Wanda: im just staying here too tired too go out


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