just another argument(2)

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After the party nat and wanda is still really confused about what steve and Clint said at the party. Nat seems so worried cause she thinks Clint likes Wanda and at the same time wanda also keep on thinking about what Steve said 'lovely nat'

So the night that they're about to sleep, wanda really couldn't stop thinking about Steve and nat, because she thinks that something is really going on between them, so she tried to go on Steve's room to have a talk.

Wanda- 'knock knock'
Steve- wanda, what are you doing here?
Wanda- i came here to talk, may i come in?
Steve- yeah sure here have a sit, why what is it what are we going to talk about?
Wanda- its about natasha
Steve- natasha? Why whats wrong with nat??
Wanda- do you like her? Or do you have a crush on her?
Steve- me?? (Shocked)
*wanda nods*
Steve- well, uhm yes we liked each other before
Wanda- each other?? Before??
Steve- yeah we were lovers before, but it didn't last longer, it was just like a puppy love something

Wanda got secretly shocked about the truth that steve tells her.

Wanda- what about now?(Nervously)do u still like her?
Steve- well, now i guess we both moved on and we are just friends, anyway why'd you ask about these kind of question?(confused)
Wanda- nothing, anyway steve i have to go im kinda sleepy already(weirdly)
Steve- okay(confused)

And while nat is about to go to Clint's room to talk, she saw wanda going out from Steve's room so she got really confused. But she just forget that and goes into Clint's room.

Nat- 'knock knock' clint??
Bruce- Clint is not there, he's in the kitchen nat

So nat also goes down stairs, and she saw Clint.

Clint- hey nat! What are you doing here? Want some cookies??
Nat- nah im here to talk
Clint- talk about what?
Nat- i really wanted to ask you this
Clint- what is it
Nat- do you like Wanda?

Clint accidentally spill the milk.

Clint- woah what was that nat? Are you joking? Hahaha
Nat- no im serious, do u like her? Yes or no??
Clint- of course no, she's just a little sister to me
Nat- are you sure??
Clint- yeah! Wanda is just a sister to me, nat pls stop thinking that hahaha, why did u ask anyway??
Nat- nothing i was just curious
Clint- here have some cookie maybe its just hunger hahaha
Nat- maybe hahahah

While natasha and clint are eating, Wanda is bursting out her tears about what steve said. Because Wanda thinks nat might leave her. So she's scared.. she's mad, she's upset, everything she don't know what to react

Later in the morning while everyone is having a good talk over breakfast wanda is just really quiet.

Nat- hey Wanda why are u si quite in there?

Wanda didn't respond to natasha's question

Thor- Wanda are you ok?
Wanda- yeah im alright(looking at the floor)

Natasha is kinda confused because she had no idea that wanda already know about her and steve.

~~later in the afternoon~~

Nat saw wanda heading out to get a car, then she secretly follows wanda, then wanda stopped by at the cafe.

Wanda- hello good afternoon, can i have some coffee pls...

Wanda got shocked when natasha sat beside her

Wanda- oh my gosh! Nat what are you doing here?!
Nat- nothing i just wanted to talk to u(winks)

*then wanda aggressively leave*
~~started raining~~

Nat- hey wanda, why did you leave??
Wanda- of course because you were there!
Nat- what?!?!
Wanda- will you just pls leave me alone!!
*and wanda walk through the street even though its raining*
Nat- hey! Its raining, Wanda come back!!
*nat took the umbrella and follows wanda*

Natasha- hey wanda what is wrong with you??! Are you out of your mind?!
Wanda- leave me alone nat!!!
Nat- are you nuts?! You are going to get sick! What is wrong with you huh?!?!
Wanda- just fucking leave me alone!!!
Nat- oh come on Wanda stop being so unreasonable! I am the one who suppose to get mad here! After what i saw!
Wanda- what?!?
Nat- i saw you going out from Steve's room in the middle of the night! What are you doing there?! Tell me!
Wanda- oh really its about me now!? This isn't really about you huh?!?!
Nat- what about me?!
Wanda- you lied to me all this fucking time nat! Why didn't you tell me?!
Nat- tell you what?!? I don't even know what your talking about!
Wanda- you and steve! You loved him dont you?!
Nat- whatt?!
Wanda- Steve and i talked last night, the same night that u saw me, and steve told me that you were lovers before. Is it true? Nat?! Answer me!
Nat- yes but that was all from past
Wanda- yes but why didn't you tell me?!
Nat- what for? That was past! its over! Wanda can we just go back inside the cafe pls the rain is really pouring hard, you might get sick, lets go
Wanda- get off me!
Wanda- do u still love him?! Answer me!! Natasha!!!!
Nat- NO!!!
Wanda- then why did u choose to hide it from me?
Nat- because that was over! And it doesn't matter anymore all that matters right now is you and me(throws the umbrella)
Nat- i love you and you love me thats what matters*holds Wanda's face* why do you still love me?

Wanda didn't respond, she run towards her car and leave natasha alone

Nat- wanda!!! Come back!! (Crying)

So nat burst her tears, while the rain is really pouring heavily.

The team got worried because both of them is still not home.

Steve- hey have you seen wanda and nat??
Tony- nope, but i saw them earlier went out
Bruce- maybe they hang out
Steve- but its already 9:30pm
Thor- just let them be cap maybe they got into their own errands

Few minutes later nat arrives at the mansion, she was so wet caused by the rain. And the team got shocked.

Clint- nat? Where have you been?
Scott- what happen?
Nat- oh it was just the rain.... i forgot to bring my umbrella....
Bruce- are you sure you're alright??
Nat- yeah of course i am....
Steve- okay you may now go to your room and get dressed you might get sick.
Nat- ok...
Tony- did u contact wanda? (Referring to Clint)
Clint- she's not picking up

Natasha overhears that wanda isn't home yet.

Nat- what? Wanda is not here?(worried)
Steve- no. We've been calling her but she's not responding.
Nat- wait-- i thought she's already here(confuse)
Thor- so you guys were together??
Nat- i saw her.. i thought she's heading home(worried)
Steve- nat just go and change your clothes first, we're just gonna contact her.

So everyone is really worried about wanda, while the team is getting worried natasha secretly goes inside Wanda's room and she cried.

Nat- wanda plss comeback(crying)im really sorry for everything.. (crying while sitting at Wanda's bed)

Few minutes later, the team is still awake because they keep on contacting wanda...

Natasha- did she answer?
Bruce- oh nat. No she's still not responding
Nat- oh my gosh(crying)
Steve- hey its alright nat we'll going to find her..

Then, few minutes later wanda arrives, and natasha couldn't stop her self so she hugged wanda.

Nat- oh thank God you're here..

Then she realized that the team is looking at her so she slowly move away.

Clint- where have you been wanda??
Tony- we've been so worried about you
Bruce- why aren't you picking up?
Steve- the next time you have errands pls let us know.
Wanda- im sorry steve, im sorry guys for making you worried.. may i go to my room now?
Thor- yeah...

So the team got confused of what happened to wanda.

Thank ya'll for reaching here!!
Part 2 will going to be uploaded next day i think hehe

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