secret no more(5)

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Im so very sorry for this super duper late update:'>
Anyway here's the next part hope you'll enjoy!

Better to read the current parts:>
Do vote!

So both of them got shocked about what Bucky said

Nat- kis---sing???(nervous)
Bucky- yes both of my saw wanda kissing you!
Nat- its not what you think it is you-----

Wanda holds natasha's hands and she whispered...
'Its ok nat, i think its time'

So natasha stepped aside.

Wanda- yes you saw the exact thing buck(nervous)

So Bucky got a liitle bit confused.

Bucky- wait i----dont understand----- wanda(confused)
Wanda- i know buck and its hard to explain.
Nat- she my girlfriend.(bravely)
Bucky- girlfriend?????? What???? How?????
Nat- she's my girlfriend, she's my girl i love her she loves me. Still don't understand that?
Bucky- since when was this??!?
Wanda- we've been together for years
Bucky- so you're lying to us all this fucking time?! You manipulated us!!
Nat- it wasn't a manipulation bucky!
Wanda- its never been a manipulation buck!
Nat- we just choose to hide it, but we didn't manipulate anyone!
Bucky- but you guys still lie
Wanda- yes because we were scared that you guys might not accept us.
Bucky- no enough of this i gotta go!!!

Wanda- bucky wait! Can we pls keep this thing a secret first?
Bucky- so you don't really have a plan to tell this to the team???!
Nat- its not like that bucky
Bucky- then what?!
Nat- we were just looking for a perfect timing

Then bucky left with no words. Then both of the girls felt very nervous.

▪︎▪︎few minutes later▪︎▪︎

Bucky arrives.

Steve- where have you been pal?
Bucky- just went to some coffee shop.

Then few minutes after bucky arrives both of the girls arrive too.

Clint- nat??? Where have you been??
Bruce- we've been worried about you.
Nat- im sorry for making you guys worry, i just went to a place where i miss....

The girls is nervous because they think bucky might tell it to the team.

Nat- uhm excuse me i just have to go to my room..


The team are just having fun talking when Bucky inserted.

Bucky- lets play truth or dare guys.
Steve- what?
Bucky- truth or dare so that no secrets to hide anymore. (Looking at nat and wanda)

The girls got very nervous again

Thor- sure im in!
Scott- me too!!!
Tony- that sounds fun!
Clint- yeah
Bruce- yoo lets go
Steve- yeah
Scott- what about you girls aren't you joining??
Nat- no, were joining
Wanda- yeah.

Bucky- ok so here's the rules, i am going to spin this bottle and if will going to stop while pointing on you. And the team will going to decide if you're going to be answering truth or doing dare
Nat- wait, i thought we are going to be the one who'll choose whether truth or dare.
Bucky- my game my rules.

Scott- ok next.
Bucky- and also the team will going to decide if who will going to dare or ask you. Thats it
Tony- interesting ok lets start.

Everyone forming a circle.

Bucky- ok shall we start?
*everyone agrees*

(Bucky starts spinning the bottle)
And it points at tony

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