Chapter 2: Separation

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Jessie woke up with a groan, lifting her head from the pillow her face was buried in. She turned and looked at the clock to see that it was a little bit past eight in the morning.

"Guess I better start getting ready for another long day," She sighed as she sluggishly got out of her bed and walked out of her bedroom to take a shower and get ready for today.

Jessie noticed that Meowth was lying in his cat Pokemon basket this morning. "He probably went to lay in James's bed since it's kind of cold out here," She muttered, walking into the bathroom.


After a relaxing fifteen-minute shower walked out of the bathroom wearing her towel and headed back to her bedroom to get changed into her uniform.

She then came back out of her bedroom wearing her Team Rocket uniform, ready to start another long day after eating breakfast.

"I think i'll just go to the cafeteria. Don't feel like cooking or waking up James too early to deal with him," She sighed, still feeling the exhaustion from last night. 

"He can find me later if he needs me. We track the twerp's next move later," Jessie said, grabbing her apartment key left the apartment to get breakfast from the Team Rocket Headquarters cafeteria.


She walked into the cafeteria, where many other members of Team Rocket were gathered, eating lunch.

'Well, I guess I see they have for breakfast today probably better than what in the apartment, and going days without eating while traveling after that, Pikachu.' She thought as she got in line to grab herself some breakfast.

After getting some French toast, bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns, she found an empty table to sit down at. She quietly ate her food as she noticed James and Meowth walked into the cafeteria and got in line to grab themselves breakfast.

'There finally awake, I see.' She thought, looking at the clock in the cafeteria to see it was a few minutes before nine.

She sighed, rubbing her face as she continued eating her breakfast before putting away her dirty tray. As she was doing that, she felt someone tap on her right shoulder. Jessie turned around to see a woman, two years older than her, with short pink hair and olive green eyes. Who was wearing a white shirt with a black jacket over it with a large red 'R' on it.

"Do you need something, Sarah?" Jessie asked, wondering what she was doing here.

"Yes, the boss would like to see you," Sarah asked.

Jessie looked to see James and Meowth sitting together, talking. "He wants to see just me?" She asked, looking back at Sarah.

"Yeah, he asked for me to get you after I gave him my report from my last assignment," Sarah replied.

"Alright, I will see him. I just finished breakfast. Anyway," Jessie said as she walked away from the pile of dirty trays and headed off to see what the boss wanted to see her for.


Jessie was walking down the long hallway that led to the boss's office and stopped right at the desk outside of a large grey door that had four chairs sitting outside.

"I'm here to see the boss's name, Jessica," She said to purple hair lady sitting behind the desk.

"Take a seat. I'll let him know here," She replied.

Jessie nodded and took a seat in one of the chairs as the lady hit the intercom on her desk and began talking to the boss.

'I wonder why he just wanted to see me and not James and Meowth as well.' Jessie thought as she noticed Wendy switch places at the desk with the purple-haired lady coming her way.

"Alright, the boss is ready to see you now, Jessica."

"Okay," She said, standing up and opening the door, and walking inside to see an older man with brown hair and brown sitting behind a desk with a Persain sitting to his left leg.

"Jessica, take a seat," He commanded, nodding at one of the chairs across from his desk.

"Yes, sir!" She said, taking a sitting down in one of the chairs.

"Now, you're probably wondering why you're here."

"Yes, sir."

"Well, James and Meowth were actually here a couple of minutes ago."

Jessie looked at the boss curiously, wondering what James and Meowth were doing here.

"They were?"

"Yes, and there is why I need to talk with you."

"I see, sir, but what do we need to talk about?"

"Well, it seems that you two fought, and they both got sick of it and requested for a new partnership."

Jessie's eyes widened, not believing what she had just heard.

After three years together as a team and friendship in Pokemon tech and the bike gang, he wants nothing to do with me anymore. Meowth is leaving me as well.' She thought, trying to swallow down the feeling in her stomach.

"I see, so does that mean I'm fired? You said if I lose one more partner, I would have to go."

"Your not fired. I admit you do nothing but fail since you receive the mission to get me that Pikachu after It foiled your raid," Giovanni said. "You have shown great potential to surpass your mother. So I will find you a new partner, or you will become a solo agent. Until then, you will temporarily be partner up with someone," He explained.


"Good, go pack your stuff, and you be moved into a single apartment, room 213 on the 2nd floor until you get a partner or it's determined you be a solo agent," He said, heading her the new room key to her new room.

"Yes, sir, I'll go pack my things," She nodded, standing on up.

"Also, come back this afternoon to meet your temporary partner so you can prepare for your next mission."

"Yes, sir!"

She then left the room and headed off to her shared room 105 with James to get back to her belongings.


Jessie took out her room key for her current room and sighed, processing that James and Meowth had ditched. She noticed Meowth was lying in his basket.

Meowth looked up, and his body tense as Jessie walked into the room, expecting her to be mad about wanting a new partner. He looked at her, surprised, as she walked passed his basket, hardly glancing at him.

'No yelling. Maybe she's okay with it.' Meowth thought, watching her go into her room after grabbing a large box that was in the closet.

"Well, that's good because nobody wants to deal with yelling this early, even if it's the last time we have to deal with her," Meowth muttered as he heard the noise coming from her room.

After a couple of minutes, she walked out of her room and went to the bathroom to grab the rest of her stuff before she left, not once glancing at Jame's room and still not saying one word.

Here we go, chapter two of To Denounce the Evils of Truth and Love. I hope you enjoy the second chapter of this story. Leave a comment telling what you think of the story's beginning.

Thanks for reading!

Word count: 1219

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