Chapter one

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*disclaimer* I created this book to make people realise that being gay is not a choice and for people to realise the daily struggles that a gay and/or lesbian person can go through. I also created this book because I love kellic and I wanted to entertain people that also love kellic. Also, in this book, there will be mean comments that characters say. Those mean comments are not my opinion. I do not agree at all with what some characters in this book say. Those comments are put in this book just to give people an understanding that being gay is (sometimes) hated on, and that what people say affects other people. Also, if there is any nasty comments made by readers, they will be blocked and reported. Enjoy x


I would definitely call myself a loving person; someone that finds any reason to appreciate anything and everything. And that's why it pains me to say that I come from a family that isn't the same as me. Sure, they are the typical family; loving. Except they don't love the real me. They love the 'me' that dates girls. They love the 'me' that aspires to marry a woman.

But they wouldn't love the 'me' that gets boners while thinking about Andy Biersack.

And that is the exact reason why I don't let them know the real me.

I can recall the exact day that I found out that my mom hates gays. That day was around three years ago. I was fourteen and my mom was reading a magazine article about two guys that were protesting to legalise gay marriage.

"That's disgusting," she spat. My mom turned to me and pointed to the article, "promise me you'll never turn out to be gay," she ordered.

As a fourteen year old boy, I agreed with everything my mom told me to agree with. So, with not much knowledge about a humans sexuality, I promised my mother that I would never become gay.

I thought being gay was a choice. I thought only devil worshipers were gay. I thought it was their way of rebelling against God. And when I grew up, I realised that being gay wasn't a choice at all. And if it was a choice, I would definitely choose not to be gay. Because if I was straight, I can assure you that life would be so much more easier for me.

I wouldn't have to hide such a huge part of my life from everyone that loves me. I wouldn't have to be called a 'faggot' by my brother just because I had never had a date with a girl. He thinks I am too 'ugly' to get a girl to like me. But in reality, I just don't have any interest in dating a girl. And I'll be honest, getting called names like 'faggot' by my own brother really hurts my feelings, like, a lot.

Being straight wouldn't make me hate myself. I would be able to freely show my attraction to a girl in public without having people hate me. And having people hate me is what makes me hate myself. Everything bad that people say about gays, makes me feel like they are saying it to me.

I often spend my spare time laying on my bed whilst listening to music; thinking about how much I hate my life. I am not depressed, but last year, at the age of sixteen, my councillor said I was, and still am, going through a depressive state. So I usually don't have the energy to do activities with the few friends that I have. But even going through a depressive stage in my life, I still enjoy the beauty of being alive.

"Vic!" I heard my brother, Mike, call from outside of my bedroom.

I mentally groaned, "yes?" I called to him.

"Justin is meeting us at the pizza restaurant down the street for his birthday to have dinner. He says he only invited you and I. Let's go," Mike said while walking into my room.

I totally forgot that it was Justin's birthday, fuck. If it was for anyone else, I wouldn't go, but Justin is Mike's and my best friend, so I am happy to go.

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